31 ago 2014

Stuck in a Laundry Basket

It’s very hard to predict earthquakes. So far, nobody has found a reliable method. There was just recently a major quake in Napa, the winemaking capital of California.

It didn’t reach us down here in southern California, but I ended up stuck in a laundry basket anyway. It turns out that there was a microquake literally right under our neighborhood at about the same time that the Napa quake hit.

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127-year-old woman is oldest human in history

Leandra Becerra Lumbreras, who is from Mexico, is believed to have been born on August 31, 1887. According to her family, the 127-year-old was born in...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

22% of energy now from renewable sources

Almost a quarter of the world's electricity supply is now being produced from renewable energy sources. The proliferation of green energy production t...

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Walking fish adapt when raised on land

Scientists compared the development of walking fish raised on land with that of those raised in water. The first land-dwelling creatures are believed ...

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30 ago 2014

'Blair Witch' director makes Bigfoot movie

The man behind the 1999 found-footage film is returning to the woods with his new movie 'Exists'. When it first came out, Eduardo Sanchez's 'The Blair...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Spectacular Pennsylvania Report Reaches National TV

A Pennsylvania woman had recorded an unknown phenomenon in the sky on August 26. She, her husband and a neighbor observed a complex object that was stationary in the sky for some time. Local police were called, and they also observed the object as it moved away. The story was picked up on Good Morning America. As a multiple witness event that includes police witnesses, this sighting has a high level of credibility.

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Witness Reports Gigantic UFO

This witness report isn't supported with any imagery, but it is typical of a type of UFO that is seen so often that there is no clear reason to disbelieve it. The witness was fishing at night when the half-mile long object slowly moved overhead. “It wasn’t lit up bright. It had a slight glow to it .Nothing fancy.”

“I have seen a lot of things in the night sky and have never seen anything like this. It reminded me of some of the giant ships on the ‘Star Wars’ movie.”

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Scientists email brainwaves 5,000 miles

A new experiment has succeeded in sending a message from one brain to another across continents. Technology that can pick up and interpret brain waves...

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Giant 60ft walking robot to be built in Japan

Fans of the popular Gundam franchise are to build a fully working scale replica within five years. Sometimes referred to as the 'Star Wars' of Japan, ...

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29 ago 2014

Una dulce ola de muerte

Estaba hace un rato leyendo un artículo sobre biofísica del movimiento de las bacterias cuando he chocado con un dato que tenía pendiente comentar hace tiempo1. No habrá que demorarlo más pero, antes veamos cómo define “melaza” el diccionario de la Real Academia Española:

Líquido más o menos viscoso, de color pardo oscuro y sabor muy dulce, que queda como residuo de la fabricación del azúcar de caña o remolacha.

Ahora, intentemos imaginar cómo sería nadar en un mar de melaza. Sólo de pensarlo causa angustia. Por suerte no es algo usual, aunque no imposible, tal como descubrieron los ciudadanos del barrio de North End, en Boston, el 15 de enero de 1919, día en que sucedió el desastre de la melaza . Todo comenzó en este aparentemente inofensivo lugar donde, como puede verse en la fotografía, existía un gran depósito de muy dulce contenido.


Vista del depósito de melaza antes del desastre.

En esa época el edulcorante más utilizado en medio mundo era la melaza, además de ser utilizada para la obtención de etanol destinado a bebidas espirituosas. El gran depósito de melaza de la Purity Distilling Company situado en el 529 de Commercial Street en North End tenía una capacidad máxima de 8.700 m3. Con 15 metros de altura y casi 30 metros de diámetro, el gigante de metal dominaba toda la avenida, mientras se desarrollaba a su alrededor la ajetreda vida del barrio. Tras unas jornadas realmente heladoras, la temperatura se había moderado y parecía que iba a ser un buen día, pero todo se torció de repente.


Trágica imagen del desastre de la melaza de 1919.

Era poco más de mediodía cuando el gran depósito comenzó a rugir con furia. Los remaches saltaron como balas y las planchas de metal cedieron bajo una inmesa presión. Una gran riada sorprendió a las gentes de North End. No era una inundación usual, no era agua, ni siquiera barro, ¡era melaza! El pegajoso y dulzón fluido avanzó arrasando casas, calles y vías de ferrocarril a una pasmante velocidad de unos 56 kilómetros por hora con una ola de avance que alcanzó un máximo que superaba los siete metros de altura. La lengua mortal de melaza atrapó a gran número de personas, caballos y perros.

Una vez en ella, era muy difícil escapar. El depósito, que al parecer tenía varios defectos de construcción y mantenimiento, no había podido soportar la presión de los gases de fermentación que acumulaba en su interior. La inundación de melaza se dejó sentir durante más de medio año, tiempo en el que un ejército de cientos de operarios trató de eliminar el manto pegajoso de las calles. Junto con un gran número de heridos, fallecieron 21 personas, muchas de ellas ahogadas en melaza, en medio de escenas horribles de pobres gentes agotadas, luchando desesperadamente por escapar de la ola de pegamento en que se había convertido el contenido del depósito.

Se trató de uno de los sucesos catastróficos más inusuales de la historia, si acaso rivalizando con la inundación de cerveza de Londres de 1814 .


1 Nadar en melaza . Jabr, Ferris. Investigación y Ciencia, Junio 2014 – Nº 453.

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Una dulce ola de muerte apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 29 agosto 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Weekender: Methane -The Silent Menace That Could Destroy Our Planet

A routine survey of the U.S. Atlantic Coastline recently revealed a strange phenomenon. Multitudes of gas plumes were seen bubbling up to the ocean surface, and though the gas has yet to be analyzed, scientists are almost certain that it is methane.

"We don't know of any explanation that fits as well as methane," said lead study author Adam Skarke, a geologist at Mississippi State University in Mississippi State.

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Dead stars can reignite and then blow up

Astronomers have determined that white dwarf stars can suddenly spring back to life and explode. Traditionally a white dwarf is what's left after a dy...

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Yeti footprint photos to go up for auction

Eric Shipton's famous photographs of Himalayan Yeti footprints are expected to fetch up to £5000. The images were taken in 1951 during an expedition i...

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Comisión de la Verdad: Monstruo lacustre existe

Una comisión de la verdad de Islandia (compuesta por parlamentarios, funcionarios y cientificos) ha encontrado un video que muestra un objeto animado nadando en el lago Lagarfljot “como animales reales y desconocidos”.


Fotograma del misterioso animal acuático

Lagarfljótsormurinn, la serpiente gigante acuática que se rumorea habita en el lago Lagarfljot (30 km. de lrgo), cerca de Egilsstaðir en el este de Islandia, realmente existe, tal y como anunció el sábado la mayoría de una comisión de la verdad compuesta por 13 personas locales y establecida en 2012 por el consejo municipal Fljótsdalshérað.

La comisión debía determinar si un video del supuesto monstruo obtenido por Hjörtur E. Kjerulf, que se difundió de manera viral (visto por ocho millones de personas), era auténtico y si tenía derecho a un premio de 500.000 ISK (USD 4.300, 3.300 euros).

“Me hablaron de la conclusión de la comisión y me gustaría decir que estoy muy contento de confirmar que la mayoría de la comisión tenía razón,” declaro Hjörtur para la web islandesa austurfrett.is.

Aunque la conclusión de que el video de Hjörtur es auténtico, la comisión determinó que una foto tomada por Sigurður Adalsteinsson, que también había optado a la recompensa ofrecida, no representaba realmente al animal acuático desconocido.

Hjörtur tomó las imágenes a través de su ventana de la cocina en la granja en Hrafnkelsstaðir de Fljótsdalur, una mañana de febrero de 2012.

El video puede verse aqui:


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¿Nueva fotografía de Nessie?

John Gillies, quien se encontraba en el lago Ness ha obtenido una imagen interesante de un objeto en el lago. Es un fotograma de una pieza de material de archivo tomada el 11 de agosto de 2014.

El breve video no es el material de archivo que contiene la imagen fija posterior. No creo que se trate de un ave ya que no se ve ningún cuerpo en superficie. Es cierto que una ola que pasa puede ocultar temporalmente el cuerpo, pero las olas que rodean al objeto no son muy altas.

John Gillies Picture Aug 2014

La imagen del objeto en superficie

¿Quizás una rama que sobresale de un tronco de árbol? Tal vez, pero el mismo argumento del cuerpo del pájaro puede aplicarse: No hay ramas ni materiales en superficie. John no lo vio en el momento de la filmación, por lo que siempre vale la pena revisar imágenes cuando uno vuelve a casa.

¿Tiene potencial de Nessie? habría que ver la película original antes de hacer más comentarios.

Aqui se puede ver el video:


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Water clouds discovered on brown dwarf

Astronomers have found evidence of water clouds outside of our own solar system for the first time. Located at a distance of just 7.3 light years from...

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28 ago 2014

Genetically Engineered Food: Vintage Dreamland from 2000

August 29, 2014

In 2000, Dreamland was one of the first places where the alarm was sounded on genetically engineered foods. Since then, the genfoods industry has used its vast wealth to turn back any and all attempts to enforce labeling. So the question is still relevant: how do we tell the difference between genfoods and ordinary foods in the grocery store aisle?

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Death Valley's sailing stones mystery solved

A team of researchers has finally managed to explain how such large boulders can move all by themselves. The phenomenon, which was discovered in the 1...

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Scientists Discover How To Manipulate Memories and Erase Fear

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have made an astonishing breakthrough: they believe that they now have the ability to erase feelings of fear or anxiety.The researchers discovered which brain circuits attach emotions to memories but, more importantly, they worked out how to reverse this link.

Traumatic experiences can have a profound and negative effect that leaves people emotionally scarred for life, but neuroscientists believe that it may now be possible for them to erase residual feelings of trauma. This could benefit those suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder and remove the need for strong medication.

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Police confirm UFO over Pennsylvania

Several witnesses, including multiple police officers, saw a strange object over Lower Paxton Township. The anomalous object was first spotted by Step...

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2,000-year-old toilet seat unearthed

An excavation at Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland has dug up an ancient wooden toilet seat. The perfectly preserved artifact represents the only disco...

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The Pennsylvania Gnome--Animated!

This short clip animates the Pennsylvania gnome, revealing that it was moving forward, then as soon as its picture was snapped, at once turned around and moved out of frame in a matter of seconds. The sequence is that shot one was the closest. Shots two and three were each a second apart, and in each, it's farther away. If you're an Unknowncountry subscriber, don't miss the subscriber report sourced here. It's absolutely fascinating!

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The Methane Danger

This is a journal entry I hoped I would never have to write. For most of my career, I have been fighting to prevent this, to slow it down or at least to plan for it.

What is happening is that methane hydrates are melting in the Arctic Ocean and along the US Atlantic seaboard. The methane they are releasing is adding to that already pouring out of tundra in Siberia, Alaska and Canada.

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27 ago 2014

Is the CDC Covering Up a Vaccine-Autism Link?

The link between autism and the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR) has been proposed for years, but has always been emphatically denied by the medical profession.

Many previously healthy children appeared to have developed Autism, a eurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, shortly after receiving the controversial vaccine, causing serious questions to be asked of organisations such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); however they have always maintained that the link is unfounded.

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'Robo brain' could lead to a real-life Skynet

An 'Internet for robots' has been developed to provide a global knowledge resource for machines. The concept is based on creating a convenient and eas...

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Very rare blue lobster caught off Maine

Teenager Meghan LaPlante discovered the crustacean while checking lobster traps at the weekend. The bright blue lobster, which scientists say is a 1 i...

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World's wooliest sheep found in Tazmania

A sheep that hasn't been shorn for six years has so much wool that it can hardly see where it's going. Discovered by two farmers, the comically overbu...

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26 ago 2014

Mysterious red glow spotted over the Pacific

Two pilots reported seeing a strange but beautiful underwater light show while flying near Kamchatka. The pair first spotted the phenomenon around fiv...

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Cellphones Data Can Now Track Anyone Anywhere, And The Technology Is Available To Anyone

New surveillance systems are being offered to governments around the globe, giving them the ability to track the movements of almost any cellphone carrier.

The new technology is utilising standard cellular network data, which must constantly monitor the locations of their customers in order to allow calls and messages to be delivered.

This seems like a fairly straightforward procedure, and one which usrealise or expect is that surveillance systems are secretly colleers generally accept as necessary; what users probably do not cting these records to map the travel patterns and locations of each individual over long periods of time, according to marketing documents and experts in surveillance technology.

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Russia planning inflatable space stations

Russia's space agency Roscosmos is seeking $440 million to develop inflatable space habitats. The concept was put forward as part of the agency's prop...

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'Pig perfume' helps stop dogs misbehaving

A new type of fragrance based on the smell of male pigs has a remarkable calming effect on dogs. For dog owners whose canine companions are proving to...

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25 ago 2014

Nikola Trbojevich, el genial sobrino de Nikola Tesla

Puede que su parentesco con el gigante que fue Nikola Tesla sea el motivo por el que Nikola Trbojevich es citado en muchos lugares, pero que no nos engañe el prejuicio, porque se trató de alguien digno de mención por méritos propios. Es más, muchos de sus ingenios nos acompañan a diario, mientras viajamos en coche, autobús o similar. Veamos de forma breve quién fue Nikola Trbojevich.

Angelina Tesla, nacida en 1850 y hermana de Nikola Tesla, se casó con el pastor de la iglesia ortodoxa serbia Jovo Trbojević y pasó a llamarse Angelina Trbojević (o Trbojevich, según grafía occidentalizada). Nikola Trbojevich, uno de los hijos de ese matrimonio y, por tanto, sobrino de Nikola Tesla, nació en 1886 en una localidad croata y falleció en Los Ángeles el 2 de diciembre de 1973. Es considerado como uno de los expertos en sistemas de transmisión de movimiento por engranajes más importantes de la historia. Inventor y matemático, con decenas de patentes en su haber, Nikola Trbojevich tuvo con su tío varios caminos en común, tanto en su aventura americana como en su pasión por la tecnología.

Su más genial invento fue un tipo de engranaje hipoide perfeccionado, que data de los años veinte, muy utilizado sobre todo en vehículos industriales de tracción trasera. Ese fue sólo uno de los muchos diseños mecánicos de Trbojevich que más tarde encontraron acomodo en todo tipo de vehículos a motor, así como máquinas para construir y mantener complejos sistemas de transmisión de movimiento que todavía hoy se utilizan de forma común. Pero sus intereses científicos iban mucho más allá, como demuestra su última patente , de 1967, destinada a describir un tipo muy particular de reactor nuclear pensado para mover vehículos espaciales, aviones y hasta coches.


Uno de los gráficos de la patente sobre un reactor nuclear de Trbojevich .

Graduado como ingeniero en 1911 en Budapest, tras trabajar en una compañía telefónica húngara, viajó a Chicago para ocupar un puesto en la Western Electric Company, donde continuó sus estudios centrándose en la matemática de los sistemas de transmisión por engranajes, pasión que no le abandonó nunca. En 1921, año en el que se casó con Alice Hood, ya había pasado a vivir en Detroit, donde se convirtió en un cotizado ingeniero consultor independiente. Sus patentes de ingenios mecánicos para la industria del automóvil tuvieron mucho éxito comercial. El matrimonio Trbojevich cambió su apellido a otro más digerible en su entorno, pasando a conocerse como Terbo, por lo que muchas veces pueden verse documentos en los que nuestro protagonista atiende al nombre de Nicholas J. Terbo.

Más información:

Nikola Trbojevich, el genial sobrino de Nikola Tesla apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 25 agosto 2014.

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Coywolf species appears in North America

A cross between coyotes and wolves has been taking over in some areas of the United States. Consisting of around 25% wolf DNA, 66% coyote DNA and the ...

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Methane found leaking from sea floor vents

Scientists have discovered several hundred vents pumping methane out from the bottom of the Atlantic. In a discovery that certainly doesn't bode well ...

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Week of Seismic Unrest Across the World - What Does It Mean?

The past week has seen a significant level of seismic unrest across the globe.

In Iceland, the volcano Bárðarbunga hit the headlines worldwide but so far only a minor eruption of lava has taken place; however earthquake activity around the site continues.

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New coywolf species appears in North America

A cross between coyotes and wolves has been taking over in some areas of the United States. Consisting of around 25% wolf DNA, 66% coyote DNA and the ...

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Scientists grow entire organ in world first

A complete and fully functional thymus has been grown from cells in a groundbreaking new experiment. It's the beginning of what could eventually see t...

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24 ago 2014

El monstruo de Ghisi

Al hilo del navío para desiertos ideado por Johannes Christian Bischoff hacia 1930, que nos visitó en TecOb hace algunos meses, me he cruzado hoy con un pariente cercano.

Ha sido repasando las hojas del catálogo 200 años de patentes (PDF), editado por la OEPM en 2011. La máquina de Bischoff podía recorrer los desiertos, o eso imaginaba él, con sus imponentes 60 metros de longitud. Hubiera sido una imagen impresionante, pero que palidece de haberse construido el monstruo ideado en 1870 por el italiano Giuseppe Ghisi, que vivía por aquella época en París.

En la patente española número 4702 pretendía llevar a la vida un gigantesco barco de vapor con 100 metros de eslora capaz de salir a tierra firme. El sistema de propulsión por palas de 25 metros se convertía entonces en un mecanismo de ruedas que permitía el uso anfibio. La cosa no pasó de la mesa de dibujo, en gráficos como el que aparece a continuación, de su patente estadounidense US103040-A .


El monstruo de Ghisi apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 24 agosto 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Chef killed by cobra as he tried to cook it

The man had been preparing to cook a rare Asian delicacy when he was bitten by the dead snake's head. The Indochinese spitting cobra had been killed b...

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Mystery 'glawackus' once roamed Glastonbury

Back in the 1930s a terrifying creature was widely reported to be prowling the wilds of Great Britain. Best known these days for its popular music fes...

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Ancient metal object unearthed in Middle-East

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered the oldest metal object ever discovered in the region. The artifact, a copper awl, was found buried in a grav...

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23 ago 2014

Physiologist built a brain scanner in 1882

Angelo Mosso built a device to observe how the brain functioned by weighing a person's head. Despite the general crudity of his contraption, Mosso's "...

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Remnants of one of the earliest stars found

An ancient orange star has revealed hints of one of the first stars to ever exist in the universe. Observations of the star, which is believed to have...

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Billions of weird creatures invade US beaches

Huge numbers of the organisms known as 'by-the-wind sailors' have been washing up on the West Coast. The blue sea creatures have started to turn up on...

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22 ago 2014

Weekender: Should Animals Gain Judicial Rights?

We do not have to look far in our immediate environments to find an example of an animal who is being confined, suppressed, or treated as a commodity. Despite a constantly increasing awareness of animal rights, they are still regarded as "lesser beings" when compared to the human race.

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Bone-shaped rock photographed on Mars

Eagle-eyed Internet users have spotted an alleged 'thigh bone' in images taken by NASA's Curiosity rover. The latest in a long line of bizarre objects...

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Global warming slowdown could last 15 years

Scientists believe that excess heat is currently being stored in the depths of the world's oceans. Recent data has shown that the long rise in global ...

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Lizards may hold key to limb regeneration

By understanding how lizards regrow tissue it may be possible to enable the same process in humans. Imagine being able to regrow a missing arm after a...

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Triangle UFOs and Strange Sounds

August 22, 2014

For the first time, the strange sounds that have been present in our world are being connected with triangular UFOs. The sounds being heard are so loud, that it's difficult to believe that the triangles or some sort of conventional stealth aircraft. As one of Linda's guests comments, 'audio connects to fight or flight responses in the brain.' But why have the triangular craft suddenly become associated with sound when they have been almost universally observed to be silent.

These sounds are focused on the human mind, and we must ask the question, what if the entire planet was subjected to this phenomenon at the same time? Don't miss this provocative, disturbing and shockingly informative interview.

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Alien-UFO-Research offers a wealth of information with special emphasis on unusual and rare photographic documentation.

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21 ago 2014

Life found half a mile below Antarctic ice

Researchers in Antarctica have revealed the discovery of a whole ecosystem living beneath the pack ice. It seems a long time since scientists first st...

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Impending Icelandic Volcano Eruption Could Pose Risk To Aviation and Climate

Our beleaguered climate is enough trouble without the effects of any other destabilizing factors; however, another huge volcano is predicted to erupt and unleash clouds of volcanic ash into the atmosphere in the very near future.

The volcano, one of the largest in Iceland, has been showing signs of awakening since August 16th since a spate of significant seismic activity - more than 3000 earthquakes in its locality - was detected by the Icelandic Meteorological Office.

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Neanderthals co-existed with us for millennia

Humans and Neanderthals are now believed to have lived alongside one another for as long as 5,000 years. A new study involving the most comprehensive ...

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Cities are causing spiders to grow bigger

A new study has shown that urban areas are causing spiders to grow larger and multiply more rapidly. Researchers collected more than two hundred golde...

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20 ago 2014

Scientists seek heat from alien civilizations

A new project is hoping to use heat detection to pick up signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. Up until now the search for alien civilizations has f...

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Life-Forms Found Living On International Space Station

It has been said that "life will always find a way," and a recent discovery by Russian space officials appears to confirm that life can certainly exist in the most hostile of environments.

Traces of plankton and other microorganisms have been found living happily aboard the International Space Station (ISS), not safely within its cosy interior but clinging to its exterior surfaces assaulted by freezing temperatures and cosmic radiation. It seems that the tiny organisms are even able to survive in an atmosphere without oxygen, previously thought to be one of the factors necessary to support any form of life.

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Plankton discovered outside space station

Astronauts have been left perplexed after traces of sea plankton were found on the station's exterior. The out-of-place organisms, which were discover...

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UK to trial self-driving lorries in 2015

A new initiative could see convoys of automated lorries following a single driver in a lead vehicle. The controversial technology would use infrared a...

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Las supernovas tipo ‘la’ proceden de la explosión de una enana blanca con una gemela

Un estudio descarta que las supernovas de tipo Ia, que se usan para medir distancias cósmicas, procedan de la explosión de una enana blanca alimentada por una estrella normal, sino de otra enana blanca compañera. El trabajo, liderado por el CSIC, se basa en la observación de la supernova 2014J, situada a 11,4 millones de años luz de la Tierra.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Las supernovas tipo Ia proceden de la explosión de una enana blanca acompañada de una gemela

Un estudio descarta que las supernovas de tipo Ia, que se usan para medir distancias cósmicas, procedan de la explosión de una enana blanca alimentada por una estrella normal, sino de otra enana blanca compañera. El trabajo, liderado por el CSIC, se basa en la observación de la supernova 2014J, situada a 11,4 millones de años luz de la Tierra.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Los 'Observatorios' ganan el premio de Astrofotografía del Festival Starmus

El aficionado australiano Alex Cherney ha vuelto a ganar el concurso de Astrofotografía del Festival Starmus, que traerá a Canarias en septiembre a prestigiosos científicos. Sus impresionantes imágenes en time-lapse de la bóveda celeste vista desde el Roque de Los Muchachos, en la Palma, y otros observatorios de Australia y Nueva Zelanda han cautivado al jurado.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

19 ago 2014

Argentina: “Strange Presences” in the Islands of Entre Rios

Source: Diario La Voz (online)

Date: 08.19.2014

Argentina: “Strange Presences” in the Islands of Entre Rios

*** Man tells local television about disembodied beings in the La Jaula wilderness***

A local resident identified as Rubén Lell claims having witnessed the manifestations of beings “with heads, but without bodies” while crossing the islands near the La Jaula wilderness in the Province of Entre Rios.

Lell states that he headed for the river, pushed along by “a black-colored being” of great strength, to the point of being thrown into the water, according to ElOnce.com

“I even looked for my flashlight. It [the figure] had gone into the river or simply vanished,” says the man.

He later added that out on the river, he saw two human heads that accompanied him at the front of the boat and which “were motionless and appeared to lack bodies”, as he told the TT6 program broadcasted on Channel 6 in the city of Crespo.

[Transcript of minutes 10:00-12:14 of the video]

Interviewer: Did you ever hear any similar story, or seen something in particular on that island?

Lell: No, never. Never. It isn’t the first time that I’ve fished for capinchos or gone out at night. Not on that island, no. But on others I have.

Interviewer: You’ve seen strange things.

Lell: Yes, yes I’ve seen them. Even by daylight.

Interviewer: Something similar to this, or…?

Lell: No, other things have happened to me while fishing for capinchos, other things have happened, but there you go. I’ve been told I shouldn’t fish them, but they’re so tasty [laughs]

Interviewer: So the things that have happened to you are on another island. Something similar, involving heads or….

Lell: Well, apparitions and things one realizes aren’t [real]. There are things that happen on the islands that we discuss among ourselves.

Interviewer: So you think there are things going on, but people won’t dare talk about them?

Lell: No, we islanders discuss it among ourselves, look, this and that happened to me, but that’s where it ends. One mustn’t be too curious and try to find things out.

Interviewer: Do you always go out to that place with dogs or alone?

Lell: If I need to, I bring dogs, but otherwise alone. On horseback, or whatever.

Interviewer: You say the dog warns you if there are weird things out there.

Lell: So does the horse. Horses have their own sense of foreboding.

Interviewer: Rubén, did you return to the island?

Lell: Yes, I did. I went back to see if I could find traces of something, but no, no…all was normal.

VIDEO at: http://ift.tt/1pY7uQD

[Translation and transcription (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

UFO appears during Canadian news report

A bright object can be seen shooting across the sky during a news item about a fire in West Kelowna. The unexpected anomaly turned up in video footage...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

The "McMoon's" Project: Civilians Take Control of Ex-NASA Satellite

Thirty years ago, having your own mobile phone or computer was a rarity, and was considered to be ultimate in technological sophistication. Now it is far more rare to find an individual who does not possess some form of hi-tech device, and even our "silver-surfing" grandparents are techno-savvy.

So in these technologically advanced times, where does the technophile go for their next techno-fix?

It seems that when you have exhausted all of the technology that the earth can offer, you look to the skies: a small team of techys in Mountain View, California, has made history by running a crowdfunded mission to take control of an old NASA satellite.

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Los ingenios solares de Mouchot y Pifre

Hacia la segunda mitad del siglo XIX se comenzó a experimentar de forma seria en la posibilidad de aprovechar la energía solar para fines prácticos. Muchos lo habían intentado antes, pero fue el ingeniero francés Augustin Mouchot uno de los primeros, sino el pionero fundacional de la energía solar, en lograr construir una máquina capaz de conseguir extraer energía del sol de forma práctica.


Concentrador solar de Mouchot. Fuente.

En su deseo de lograr una energía alternativa económica a la tracción animal y al vapor originado en la combustión del carbón, Mouchot soñó con domar la radiación solar para calentar agua. De sus efuerzos nació en el verano de 1866 su primer colector solar. Con el paso de los años fue mejorando su aparato hasta llegar a su generador solar de vapor que fue presentado en la Exposición Universal de París de 1878. Para construir ese generador contó con la inestimable ayuda de un genial ingeniero que atendía al nombre de Abel Pifre, igualmente francés. La máquina fue un éxito, logrando premios y reconocimientos de todo tipo. Lamentablemente para los dos visionarios, ningún industrial se interesó por aquella tecnología, pero no todo estaba perdido, y Pifre pasó a diseñar un ingenio solar de lo más singular (véanse algunas de las patentes de Pifre , que van desde generadores de vapor portátiles para vehículos a motor hasta un modelo de ascensor que logró cierto predicamento).

En El Periódico para todos, edición del 6 de febrero de 1879, puede leerse lo siguiente acerca de las máquinas solares de Mouchot y Pifre presentes en la Expo de 1878:

Mouchot obtuvo como recompensa de sus estudios la cruz de la Legión de Honor y una medalla de oro. Se asoció al hábil ingeniero Abel Pifre, trabajador infatigable y sabio modesto. Ambos insisten con más ardor y fe que nunca en obtener los mayores resultados posibles de su generosa y trascendental empresa. (…) Se calcula que recibimos unas 17 calorías por minuto y metro cuadrado del sol, pero la atmósfera absorbe una parte más o menos grande, de modo que sólo se puede aspirar a recoger 10 calorías por minuto y por metro cuadrado, cuyo calor basta para elevar el litro de agua diez grados en un minuto. En Argel, con un espejo receptor de un metro cuadrado de superficie, utilizó el Sr. Mouchot, de Mayo a Junio, 7 calorías, y en 12 minutos hervía un litro de agua y producía 1.322 litros de vapor por hora. (…) En el recinto de la Exposición, al pie del Trocadero, se hicieron ensayos con un receptor de 24 metros cuadrados de superficie y 9 calorías por minuto y metro, o sea, 216 para todo el aparato. Unida al receptor estaba la caldera de hierro, que pesaba con sus accesorios 200 kilogramos y con capacidad de 100 litros de agua, o sea, 30 para la cámara de vapor y 70 para evaporar. El 2 de Septiembre se consiguió poner en ebullición 70 litros a la media hora, y el manómetro acusó una presión de 6 atmósferas. El 22 con 6,2 atmósferas, una bomba, movida por el vapor que daba el receptor, elevó 1.800 litros de agua por hora a la altura de 2 metros. El 29 de Septiembre, con siete atmósferas, se obtuvo un pedazo de hielo con la ayuda de un chorro de vapor lanzado a un aparato de amoniaco, produciéndose el curiosísimo resultado de hacer el hielo con el sol.


La imprenta solar de Pifre. Fuente.

Abel Pifre se sintió defraudado ante el escaso interés que despertaron aquellos ingenios. El bajo precio del carbón era la excusa que solían poner los industriales a los que visitaba para proponerles invertir en generadores solares de vapor para usos comerciales. ¿Para qué molestarse en seguir al sol con complejos espejos cuando podemos tener energía barata procedente de la combustión del carbón? Sea como fuere, Pifre no se dio por vencido y, deseando mostrar las posibilidades se su tecnología, presentó su imprenta solar el 6 de agosto de 1882 en París. Dotado de un espejo cóncavo de 3,5 metros de diámetro, con caldera cilíndrica de vapor en el eje, el motor solar de Pifre fue capaz de mover en condiciones de nubosidad media durante toda la tarde una prensa de imprenta que alumbró cerca de quinientas copias de un periódico compuesto especialmente para la ocasión y que llevaba por título “El diario solar” (Journal du Soleil.). La demostración fue impecable y asombró a los presentes, pero ningún inversor se animó a apoyar a Pifre.

Los ingenios solares de Mouchot y Pifre apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 19 agosto 2014.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Dragon attack enquiry tops bizarre FOI list

A new list has been compiled detailing some of England's strangest Freedom of Information requests. The Freedom of Information Act has opened up the o...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

'Ghost Box' creator Frank Sumption has died

The man behind a controversial device designed to communicate with spirits has died of a heart attack. Known as "Frank's Box", the device was develope...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Tue 19 Aug - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Global selfie-posting bunny abducted, Hello Kitty in space, Richard III wino test, thieving magpie myth downed plus groom fakes death to avoid marriage

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

18 ago 2014

Will Quiet Sun Reverse Global Warming Trend?

The term "global warming" has been described as one of the most misleading descriptions of the modern world by president of the Space and Science Research Corporation, John L. Casey, in his new book, "Dark Winter: How The Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell."

Casey claimed in a recent interview that the increase in global temperatures has now ceased, and has replaced by a period of icy cold that could prevail for another thirty years, with catastrophic effects on agriculture and farming.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Chile: Regional Businessman Photographs UFO During World Cup Games

Source: Planeta UFO and Diario El Día (Chile)

Date: 08.12.14

Chile: Regional Businessman Photographs UFO During World Cup Games

By Cristian Riffo

Photo taken by businessman Carlos Ruiz showing the city of Ouro Preto and a self-luminous disk-shaped object in the sky.

Thousands of compatriots traveled to Brazil to see Chile playing in the most recent World Cup games. One of them was Carlos Ruiz, a local businessman and former Assistant Dean of the University of Aconcagua.

Aside from attending all of Team Chile's games, his goal was to enjoy the beauty of Brazil's cities. Thus, following the Chilean team's defeat in the games, he headed for the city of Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais.

"When Chile lost in Belo Horizonte, I went off to a city that was recommended to me. It is an old city, a world heritage site, with a Portuguese flavor, used in several Brazilian TV series. I toured the streets, taking photos and visiting museums. This happened before my return trip home on July 1," states Ruiz.

During his entire stay in Brazil - for over 30 days - the businessman employed a Nikon P510 camera.

"In the evening, at 18:15 hours, I was taking my last photos before heading off to the bus station, and that's when I saw something appear. I was holding the camera, and thinking quickly, fired off two photos. Then it vanished. I saw something unknown to me appear out of nowhere, and it drew my attention," he noted.

Two Photos

Thus, Carlos Ruiz managed to capture the object in two photographs with a distance of less than 2 seconds between each. According to his report, there were no other witnesses or people photographing the UFO from that area.

"After it vanished, I went away to see if I could spot it elsewhere, but it was gone. I kept taking pictures. I've had the good fortune to travel a lot, but this the first time I've seen anything like it, except perhaps in Chile, when I saw something strange when traveling to Candelaria, but I didn't get to take any pictures.

The images - plus the local businessman's account - will be analyzed by UFO researchers gathered at a meeting on Thursday, August 14. Meanwhile, ufologists will hold a series of lectures on August 15 & 16 at an anniversary in the city of La Serena (Chile).

Carlos Ruiz also authorized the photos taken in Brazil to be seen by people visiting the Puerta Mall in La Serena between August 14 and 17, where Expo OVNI 2014 will be held. A sample of historic UFO cases will be on display there, including the alleged crash of a strange device in Paihuano on 7 October 1998.

[Translation (c) 2014 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Argentina: Uproar in Valle Fertil over Alleged UFO

Source: Tiempo de San Juan (Argentina) and Planeta UFO

Date: 08.18.2014

Argentina: Uproar in Valle Fertil over Alleged UFO

*** Residents of Valle Fertil claim that an Unidentified Flying Object flew over the region ***

*** Valle Fertil journalist claims having seen the UFO ***

Residents of the department of Valle Fertil report seeing a UFO flying over the area on Thursday afternoon. It vanished two hours later.

Photos have appeared on social media showing a light in the sky, and local residents affirm that it is the unidentified flying object.

Furthermore, minutes before the alleged UFO's manifestation, there was a slight tremor that frightened the locals, who related it to the subsequent envent.

According to what some of the locals published, the UFO remained motionless for a long period of time, generating a silvery light.

VIDEO: (audio interview and still photo) at http://ift.tt/1sOY6Cy

[Translation (c) 2014 S. Corrales, IHU. Thanks to Guillermo Gimenez and Tiempo de San Juan)

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Huge tomb entrance discovered in Greece

The find, which is being hailed as 'extremely important', could be connected to Alexander the Great. Archaeologists uncovered the tomb, which is belie...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Report compiles 25 years of Canadian UFOs

A UFO research group has documented every reported sighting over the last quarter of a century. Canada is well known for being a UFO hotspot and this ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Probe captures first instellar space dust

NASA's Stardust spacecraft is now believed to have picked up particles from outside the solar system Launched back in 1999, the Stardust probe was des...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

We're Losing Our Clowns

The recent suicide of Robin Williams reminded me that we are losing our clowns. They are so important, because scientists tell us that for optimal health we need to have at least one good laugh a day.

A friend of ours attended school with Williams, so I told him I thought he had a pretty good chance of seeing his ghost. His ghost won’t speak to him, but he will let him know who he is by what he does.

It turns out that laughter is more important even than good diet and exercise, although these things are obviously important. Laughter is ‘catching,’ just like a sneeze or a yawn.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

17 ago 2014

Un estudio concluye que la película King Kong inspiró el mito del monstruo del Lago Ness

"A veces, el cine puede sugestionar tanto a los espectadores que puede llevarlos a ver cosas que en realidad no existen. Esta es la premisa de Daniel Loxton, un investigador que, bajo los auspicios de la Universidad de Columbia en Nueva York ha publicado un libro titulado Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie and Other Famous Cryptids. En la obra, Loxton expone que el mito del monstruo del Lago Ness (conocido como 'Nessie') tiene su origen en la película de 1933 King Kong. Este filme, que en su época tuvo un gran impacto en la sociedad, se estrenó en Reino Unido en las fechas en las que están documentados los primeros avistamientos de la criatura del Lago Ness. Loxton explica que los primeros testimonios de supuestos testigos que identificaban a 'Nessie' con un tipo de dinosaurio (en concreto, un plesiosaurio) coinciden en el tiempo con la emisión de la película. En ella, el famoso gorila gigante King Kong es hallado en una remota isla en la que el tiempo parece haberse detenido y en la que conviven animales prehistóricos como los dinosaurios. La tesis de Loxton se basa en el análisis de la psicología detrás de la creencia en fenómenos paranormales. Así, en el caso de King Kong y 'Nessie', los supuestos 'cazadores' del monstruo se habrían visto influidos inconscientemente por la película que en 1933 protagonizaron Fray Way y Broce Cabot."

Visto aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

Did King Kong inspire the legend of Nessie ?

Researchers in America have linked the 1933 movie with the first modern Loch Ness Monster sightings. The Columbia University study has suggested that ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

World's largest swarm of robots created

Roboticists have developed a vast swarm of robots that can work together to form two-dimensional shapes. The miniature robotic army, which to some ext...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Magpie shiny objects obsession debunked

Scientists have discovered that Magpies have no interest whatsoever in stealing shiny objects. The infamous black and white birds have long been assoc...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

16 ago 2014

UFO sighted over Houston during rain storm

A circular object with a ring of lights was observed by multiple witnesses across the city this week. Social media was buzzing on the night of August ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Scientists tackle 'Earth-killer' asteroid

A huge fast-moving space rock has the potential to bring about the apocalypse in the year 2880. Despite it still being several centuries out, scientis...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Argentina: Phantom Humanoids in the Cordillera (1981)

Argentina: Phantom Humanoids in the Cordillera (1981)

By Carlos Daniel Ferguson

(appearing in UFO Press #24, November 1986)

17 February 1981, Manzano Amargo, Neuquén

Phantom Humanoids in the Cordillera?

During the year 1981, at least in Argentina and without confirming greater variation over successive years, reports on Close Encounters of the Third Kind (according to the Hynek classification) have not been abundant. Nor were there many “on site” surveys on such cases published in this magazine since that time. Carlos Ferguson, the author of this article, made known an original report of his investigation in the magazine he previously worked for – the esotericist monthly “Cuarta Dimensión”. Dissatisfied with that initial version of the facts, which lacked basic information (such as the story of José Albornoz himself, the main protagonist of the event), Ferguson now gives us this second version, which replaces the earlier one and gives us a more detailed notion about the strange incident at Manzano Amargo, a town located on the Andean Range, 3700 meters above sea level. With this article, Carlos Ferguson becomes part of our publication’s regular staff.


The results of the investigation presented below stem from the information collected following a visit to the town of Manzano Amargo shortly after (some 20 days later) the event that gave rise to our interest.

It was necessary to take on a challenge, since practically the only prior information in existence was a newspaper clipping that read:

GENERAL ROCA (C.) – The “Rio Negro” daily of this locality informed its readers yesterday that reports from the Manzano Amargo wilderness suggest that a UFO landed in the area, and that two tall beings descended from it, inviting local inhabitants and a girl to board their flying saucer before taking off upon hearing the child’s screams. The UFO had colored lights…” (sic)

It is not my intention to bore the readers with the background of the investigation. It should suffice to note that nothing pointed to an easy investigation: the area was inaccessible, with a lack of suitable transportation which led to hitchhiking or horseback riding. On the other hand, the first news items of the event became known through the radio and a simple and sensationalist newsclipping that afforded little certainty.

The fact is that it did not turn out to be a heroic feat (many researchers would have done a similar study) but an ardous journey was involved to reach the place where the events transpired aboard a pickup truck that very nearly went over the steep cliffs of the Cordillera, a horse that went up and down trails as wide as a fist and other details not worth mentioning, as the last thing the author wants is to become a “UFO martyr” while still alive.

Before sharing the most complete version published heretofore regarding the Manzano Amargo episode with readers of UFO PRESS, I would like to give thanks for the assistance provided by the Intendent of Chos-Malal, the police and gendarmerie of that community, and the countless residents of Zapala, Vavardo and Chos-Malal who made this work possible by granting us lodging in schools and commissariats, and not precisely under the auspices of the organization I represented at that time.

The Witness and His Environment

The town of Manzano Amargo is 526 kilometers to the northwest of the Province of Neuquén, basically on the border with Chile and at an elevation of 3,700 meters in the middle of the Andean Range. Several UFO sightings took place in 1980 in this region, involving two significant witnesses, such as the former Indentent of Chos-Malal, Mr. Stanley Izaguirre, who cordially welcomed me to his office to tell me about the event he witnessed along with dozens of witnesses. They beheld a UFO that dazzled them with its lights and illuminated the Cordillera as if it were daytime.

One of the most interesting interviews, without question, was the one with teacher Luis Recia of Escuela 253, in the town of Manzano Amargo, which provides inestimable asstance to the humble residents of the region. It can be said of Luis Recia that he is the confidant of the local population, which includes the main witness himself, José Fermin Albornoz. The schoolteacher was the first person to hear Albornoz’s strange story. The questions answered by Recia to this interviewer suggested an intimate knowledge of Albornoz. His opinion of the case was an unequivocal assertion:

“What José is saying is based on actual fact, as people –at least people around here, in general – don’t have an intellect that’s sufficiently developed to imagine such things.” I was fully able to corroborate the rural schoolmaster’s statement, not only because Albornoz was not benefitting from making his story known, but because he was, in fact, a person of very limited education. A plain, humble rural man practically free from the contaminating effects of the communication media.

José Fermín Albornoz (age 43, information he only found out when visiting the registrar of births for his identification papers) is a cattleman, married, has seven children and knows no lands beyond Neuquén. The humble cattleman’s story was confirmed others who know him well, as well as the Police and the rural Gendarmerie and the aforementioned Intendant Izaguirre: “You can be fully certain that what Albornoz said was the truth.”

According to this interviewer, José repeats his story time and again without contradicting himself.

I admit that I was highly mistrustful, but was unable to detect any incoherences or gaps in his story. At all times, he answered my questions and had no objections in accompanying me to the sighting location, a stretch that links Manzano Amargo to a “step” in the Cordilleras, an hour and half distant from town on horseback.

Albornoz was startled to learn that the news had transcended the borders of his county. He expected no visitors. It is, in fact, a firsthand report.

The Events

On the evening of February 17, 1981, José Albornoz was on his way to La Veraneada, a step in the Cordillera where he looked after a herd of sheep, fenced in a pen, with the aid of two companions. After a quick dinner past nightfall, the three men decided to go to sleep. For this purpose there is a sort of shelter that is almost exposed to the elements near the pen. It is built out of wood and roofed with straw and mud. Around four o’clock in the morning on Wednesday, 18 February, José woke up alarmed by a sudden disturbance along the animals (the penned-in sheep were joined by horses and some dogs). At no time was a girl present in the group, as was incorrectly reported.

José propped himself up on his right hadn and was able to make out a circular sky-blue light some 20 meters away from his location. The luminous circle had an estimated size of 2 or 3 meters in circumference and was suspended some 40 centimeters over the ground. Albornoz then summoned his companion, who did not pay much attention to José’s exlamations and chose to hide by covering himself under some blankets. Albornoz says it was during these first moments that he felt a loud buzzing sound over his head. “It came from above,” he asserts. While the noise appeared to overwhelm everything, José Fermin had “the impression that the ground shook.” At that moment, all of a sudden, two humanoid figures appeared before him, standing more or less 1.10 meters tall.

These entities remained motionless for a few seconds barely two meters away from the shelter, nearly at Albornoz’s feet. They said “something” in an incomprehensible language before vanishing as quickly as they had appeared. José Fermín explains that his only thoughts at the moment were of his family, given the shock produced by the vision: “Dear Lord, it’s the end of the world and I’m not with my family,” he reportedly exclaimed upon witnessing the phenomenon before him.

His pulse quickened, he felt himself growing weak and falling to his side, recovering in a matter of seconds only to see his friend (who did not see the humanoids) watching the luminous sphere vanishing into the west while the animals kept making noise. José’s companion could not be interviewed by the author (it was said in the town that he had suffered such a severe emotional shock that he was unwilling to discuss his experience with anyone).

Specific Details

• The luminous sphere irradiated slight heat and did not split at the ends.

• The figures had a corpulent physical build despite their short stature. They were two large-headed humanoid silhouettes, their heads out of proportion with the rest of their bodies, with broad shoulders. They remained completely motionless at all time.

• Albornoz did not see any facial features (perhaps due to the entities being backlighted?)

• He did not notice any details about their hands or feet, but he did say “they had something on their heads, like a sort of helmet.”

• The little men wore full-length divers’ suits, form-fitting and dark blue.

• The buzzing he felt at the start of the event was similar to that of a motor in operation.

• Albornoz calculates the total duration of his experience in a minute or slightly less.

• Despite the scarcity of details provided by Albornoz, there are no contradictions between what he told the police and this interviewer.

Albornoz’s Story

This is the first time that Albornoz’s brief but enlightening story has been published, lifted verbatim from the report made by this author. This segment of the interview took place without any interference by the interviwer, as José expressed himself freely, without assistance, in his own words and disclosing the details which may be the most important ones of the case:

“I’d gone to bed early that night. At around one in the morning I looked in on my horse, and then went to bed once more. Shortly after, I heard the cows mooing and the horses whinnying, and no sooner did I uncover myself…did I see that light…nearby. When I saw that light I called out to the other fellow, saying: “Hey, what’s going on…” [but] he screamed and covered his head under the blanket…hiding behind me. There was a strange buzzing sound coming from above, and two people appeared…just like that…all of a sudden! (he makes a gesture that could be illustrated by the appearance of an image on a TV screen). I don’t know where they came from, they just did it…they appeared…I didn’t understand what they told me, but they did speak to me…and when they spoke, that’s when I told them: “Dear Lord, the world’s ending and I’m not with my family and my children.” And that’s when I lost control and was out of courage…I wanted to run off to where the others were, but my heart was beating too fast…I passed out from fear…they (the beings) were smallish and their outfits were dark blue…they stood side by side, next to each other. I wasn’t able to make out their faces, I’m not sure if it was because I wasn’t brave enough or because…I was shaking from fear. The light was a lovely light…bluish, clear. A beautiful light. I don’t know what it was because I don’t study. I don’t know how to read, so I don’t know what these things might be. Could you tell me what it was I saw?”

Interviewer’s Opinion

In my humble opinion, the only thing that can be argued to invalidate this case is a confusion with a known phenomenon, since the possibility of the witness having concocted a fantastic story has been dismissed, as he lacked the essential information, something that would also apply in the case of a hoax, for which he lacks any true motives. However, the details provided by the witness serve not to validate a conventional explanation, as its strangeness is such that it cannot be compared with any known phenomenon whatsoever.

It should be noted that it was Albornoz himself who replied that no physical evidence of the sighting was left behind.

The case meets several interesting characteristics, from my perspective: emotional effects in the witness, unusual nervousness in the animals, a protagonist who enjoyed a good reputation and was a “virgin” – if I may say so – when it came to external influences and information. Moreover, I think that the data collected are a significant find, and obtained in a timely manner: Albornoz told me he had received a visit prior to mine: “The newspapermen told me that when those people spoke to me, they were inviting me to come aboard the light, but I didn’t understand.” Adding to the chaos that the press could have caused, we can add the usual errors of information, such as the presence of a girl who was never there, the changing sizes of the humanoids (sometimes “very tall”, sometimes “60 centimeters) aside from the information being fed to the witness.

On a separate issue, I have compared the humanoid images observed by Albornoz with those of the “Barrancas Case” (Santa Fe, 19 June 1980), the “Las Salinas Case” (Tucumán, 10 October 1978) and the “Faimallá Case” (Tucumán, 7 October 1978) and not only do they coincide in their appearance, but in 3 out of 4 cases, the disappearance of the entities is spontaneous. The small figures have appeared assiduously during this last decade, to the contrary of what happened in the 1960s.

This, at least, is what we glean from the statistics obtained by CEFU, an effort aimed at continuing the work pioneered by Dr. Oscar Galíndez and Oscar Uriondo. Another loose end regarding animal behavior should be noted: Albornoz and his co-workers too three days to round up all the animals that escaped that night.

With regard to the behavior of the beings, they might coincide with the “B” category according to Henry Durrant and Pierre Ensía. Regarding the entities’ manifestation, Antonio Ribera believes that it was “an insubstantial tele-projection or hologram from a technology unknown to us.” There are several cases with these characteristics, such as the famous Almonaster La Real case in Spain.

It isn’t easy to prove that José Fermín Albornoz’s experience was “real” in the empirical sense, but it cannot be said that the lack of prints places the case in negative territory. Should it be positive, as I believe it is, this would be the first Close Encounter of the Third Kind to occur at such a high elevation.

Prof. Oscar Uriondo has also ventured his opinion on a number of “projections” in certain UFO cases: “I can objectively say that the anthropomorphic beings linked to UFO manifestations are sometimes goverened (in a small percentage of the sightings in this sub-category) by standards of behavior that are equal or analogous to those of ghostly images.”

[Translation (c) 2014 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, with thanks to Carlos Ferguson]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Ancient tomb in Japan found to be a pyramid

The Miyakozuka tomb in the village of Asuka is now believed to have been built in a pyramid shape. The large rectangular tomb, which was thought to ha...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

15 ago 2014

Ancient Mayan cities found in Mexican jungle

The ancient stone ruins were found during an expedition led by Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Sprajc. Located in the Mexican state of Campeche, the newl...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Iceberg aircraft carrier proposed during WWII

Eccentric inventor Geoffrey Pyke came up with a number of unorthodox weapon concepts during the war. At the height of World War II, Pyke was tasked wi...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Researchers Create Functional Brain Tissue

For the first time, researchers have created biological tissue that functions like brain tissue.

The human brain remains one of the least understood organs in the human body, because of its complexity and the difficulty of studying its physiology in a living person. Tufts University researchers today announced development of the first reported complex three-dimensional model made of brain-like cortical tissue that exhibits biochemical and electrophysiological responses and can function in the laboratory for months. On injury, the model (pictured here) mimics the reaction of living brain tissue.

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14 ago 2014

La ciencia ciudadana descubre siete posibles partículas interestelares

La sonda Stardust de la NASA recolectó hace una década muestras de polvo en el espacio. Desde entonces se analiza con la ayuda de los 700 voluntarios del proyecto Stardust@home, que desde su casa han colaborado con los científicos para examinar el material. Ahora publican juntos en Science los primeros resultados, donde aparecen evidencias de siete partículas que seguramente vengan de más allá del sistema solar.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Prehistoric pterosaur colony discovered

Scientists have found the fossil remains of several dozen members of a previously unknown species. The colony, which was situated in a desert lake in ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Man tames giant hornet and keeps it as a pet

The unnamed man from Japan allegedly ties string to the insect and takes it out for regular walks. Measuring up to 6cm in length the giant Japanese ho...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Four-year-old survives 11 days lost in forest

A little girl somehow survived almost two weeks alone in a remote bear-infested forest in Siberia. Karina Chikitova had been on her way to visit her f...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Un algoritmo detecta vía satélite los grupos de fitoplancton del Mediterráneo

Un equipo de investigadores españoles y franceses ha desarrollado un sistema para monitorizar la dinámica del fitoplancton, el primer eslabón de la cadena trófica oceánica, en el mar Mediterráneo. Se trata de un algoritmo que permitirá cuantificar la diversidad de estos organismos y verificar los modelos ecológicos.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Thu 14th Aug - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

Demon killing cult strike in McDonald's, goblin exorcism death, mystery man on the Moon plus hotel threatens guests in pool-pooing craze

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

Blue Pills, Blue Beads…and Seeing the Visitors

In my last diary, I talked about the color green. This time, I want to talk about blue—or rather, blue pills and other things blue.

As you can imagine, I take many pills and supplements and in many different colors. A few of them fall on the carpet at times—well, a lot do! (Whitley is efficient, but clumsy. Since I have lost most of my left visual field, I’m no help, either.)

As a result of this combination of factors, I almost had a “Tim Leary” moment the other day.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

13 ago 2014

The Endangered Secrets of the Yazidis

Wednesday August 13, 2014

In today’s Revelations William considers the strange connection between the Yazidis of Iraq, the Peacock Angel, the death of Robin Williams, Mork from Ork, ancient aliens and Don Juan’s teaching on the predators who rule our world, the flyers and the Shining Coat.

The Yazidis are among the oldest religious groups in the world, if not the oldest. They carry many secrets, including some of mankind's greatest and most important secrets.

Is it possible one of the Yazidi refugees is the protector of these secrets?

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The NSA, the Death of Freedom and the New Cold War

The late

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John Houge is Back. His New Cold War Prediction in April was Dead-On. What does He Think Now??

August 15, 2014

Last April, John Hogue predicted the widening war in the Ukraine and the beginning of a new cold war. Those predictions have proved to be startlingly and frighteningly accurate, so what does he see now? And what was the "grand cross" that he discussed in April, and how has it affected our world? John is in a period of extraordinary prophetic accuracy. Don't miss this vitally important discussion.

To get John's new ebook, A New Cold War, click here.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Torrential Rains Swamp Long Island

Long Island, New York is being flooded by unprecedented rains. There are thousands of swamped vehicles throughout the island. So far one death has been reported., when an eighteen-wheeler skidded into an SUV on the Long Island Expressway at 4:40 in the morning. The storm dumped thirteen inches of rain in the region between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. The normal total for the entire summer is 12 inches. At one point in the town of Ronkonkoma, 5 inches fell in an hour.

Roads remained flooded through the morning, but floodwaters are now subsiding. The deluge was caused by a storm that was trapped over the area due to an unusual weather pattern, which drove cold air south of the warm front, causing it to stall.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

¿Por qué no hay Premio Nobel de Matemáticas?

Existen varias razones posibles para explicar el hecho de que las matemáticas, una disciplina de enorme relevancia en el desarrollo cultural del mundo, no estén galardonadas con el más prestigioso de los premios a la labor intelectual humana. Como sucede a veces, en esta ocasión la explicación menos interesante es la más probable.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Chile declares that UFOs don't pose a threat

A government meeting in Chile this week concluded that UFOs do not pose a threat to other aircraft. The meeting, which took place at the headquarters ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Twitter revela que hay dos superdialectos del español

Existen dos grandes superdialectos del castellano en Twitter: uno compartido por las grandes ciudades españolas y americanas, y otro característico de zonas rurales. Así lo recoge el primer estudio de dialectos en redes sociales dirigido por investigadores del Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC) y la universidad francesa de Toulon.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Wed 13th Aug - Daily round-up of the world's weird news

China offers 4D experience of death, vast tomb unearthed in Greece, two-headed dolphin, Japan's eerie Dutch dolls plus Buddhist monk Porsche outrage

via Fortean Times UK: Latest - Breaking News http://ift.tt/16qhqfO

Police raid pub looking for 'Holy Grail'

Police officers swarmed Herefordshire's Crown Inn on Sunday in search of the stolen Nanteos Cup. The wooden bowl, which some believe to be the actual ...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Una iraní es la primera mujer que gana la medalla Fields, el ‘Nobel’ de las matemáticas

La matemática iraní Maryam Mirzakhani, profesora en la Universidad de Stanford (EE UU), se ha convertido en la primera mujer que recibe la medalla Fields, considerada el Nobel de las matemáticas, "por sus avances sobresalientes en las superficies de Riemann y sus espacios modulares". Comparte el galardón con otros tres investigadores, entre ellos el primer latinoamericano que lo obtiene, el francobrasileño Artur Avila, según se ha anunciado hoy durante el Congreso Internacional de Matemáticas en Seúl, Corea.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Por primera vez una mujer gana la medalla Fields

La matemática iraní Maryam Mirzakhani, profesora en la Universidad de Stanford (EE UU), se ha convertido en la primera mujer que recibe la medalla Fields, considerado el Nobel de las Matemáticas, "por sus avances sobresalientes en las superficies de Riemann y sus espacios modulares". Comparte el galardón con otros tres investigadores, entre ellos el primer latinoamericano que lo recibe, el brasileño Artur Ávila, según se ha anunciado durante el Congreso Internacional de Matemáticas en Seúl, Corea.

via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

12 ago 2014

La maldición Ramsey: cada vez que anota, muere un famoso

La muerte de Robin Williams ha dejado una tétrica estadística relacionada con el deporte. El actor ha sido el último en entrar a formar parte de la llamada 'maldición de Aaron Ramsey' que reza que cada vez que el mediocampo marca muere un famoso. Como los gatitos, pero en versión celebs...

"Robin Williams, Steve Jobs, Paul Walker, Osama Bin Laden. ¿Cuál es la relación entre estas cuatro personas? Que todas han fallecido poco después de que Aaron Ramsey, jugador del Arsenal, marcara un gol.

Todo empezó en abril de 2011. Después de que Ramsey marcara ante el Manchester United, el gobierno de Estados Unidos anunciaba la muerte de Osama Bin Laden. Meses más tarde, Ramsey le hizo gol al Tottenham y a los tres días falleció Steve Jobs.

La racha continuaba. El 19 de octubre el centrocampista del Arsenal marcó en Champions League ante el Marsella y al día siguiente Muamar El Gadafi, el dictador de Libia, perdía la vida. La cosa se quedó como estaba...

...Hasta febrero de 2012, cuando después de marcar contra el Sunderland se confirmó la muerte de la cantante Whitney Houston. En agosto de ese mismo año la historia se volvía a repetir, esta vez con la pérdida de Chavela Vargas.

La cantante mexicana no fue la última en pasar por esta extraña maldición. Un mes más tarde Ken Norton, el púgil que consiguió derrotar a Muhammad Ali, fallecía después de que Ramsey le volviera a marcar al Marsella en Champions.

La tregua duró hasta el pasado 30 de noviembre. El galés anotó un doblete contra el Cardiff City el mismo día que el mundo del cine se paralizaba por la muerte de Paul Walker.

Parecía que esta maldición no se iba a repetir, pero nueve meses después esta conspiranoica estadística vuelve a los medios con el fallecimiento de Robin Williams.

Está claro que estamos ante una suma de coincidencias, pero no nos queremos ni imaginar cómo debe sentirse el pobre Ramsey, que ha convertido sus goles en algo más que una noticia deportiva. Salvar un gol de Aaron Ramsey es salvar una vida."

Visto aquí.

via Alamut http://ift.tt/15wstDn

Woman becomes 'hyper empath' after surgery

A woman who underwent a brain operation is now believed to possess a heightened sense of empathy. The woman, who has been referred to only as 'Susan',...

via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Transient Visitors: Strange Humanoid Encounters

Transient Visitors: Strange Humanoid Encounters

By Scott Corrales, © 2014

At some point in the 1990s I had a conversation with Dr. Rafael A. Lara Palmeros, director of research for Mexico’s C.E.F.P organization regarding the motives of individuals who develop an unhealthy attraction to UFO and paranormal phenomena. Dr. Lara mentioned a case involving a certain gentleman from Central Mexico who openly expressed his wish to be “contacted by aliens”, as that would be the solution to all his problems, real or imagined. He went as far as to offer money – not small amounts, ether – to any researcher, contactee or psychic who could make his wish come true.

This wish was not granted, as far as I know. Indeed, the gentleman should have been admonished about being careful about what he hoped for – the time honored admonition. In fact, some people would gladly trade away their negative experiences for free.

Some cases involving humanoid encounters appear to go unnoticed in the vast rush to publish stories in magazines or make them known to TV production companies. One of these unsullied gems was researched by Ramón Nava-Osorio of Spain’s IIEE organization (readers of INEXPLICATA will often see mention being made of the IIEE’s branch in Chile) while looked into the experiences of Juan Soler, a Spanish experiencer of the kind referred to in the 1970s as a “repeater”, a person who has multiple brushes with the unknown over a lifetime.

The “Michelin Men” of Lérida

In the spring of 1977, Soler had gone to a farm which his brother-in-law had just purchased at Binéfar, in the Spanish Province of Huesca, hoping to lend him a hand with plumbing and sundry duties. Once the chores were complete, both men boarded their respective cars and drove away. Soler, however, had trouble with his ignition and made a wrong turn down a country road that lead him to an open field. The road came to an abrupt end, marked by a large toolshed surrounded by farm implements, and it was at that inopportune moment that the engine died.

Things were about to get markedly worse.

According to Soler, who was struggling with the ignition, he noticed a strange figure appear out of nowhere – an entity with a shocking physical appearance. This is how he described it to Ramón Nava –Osorio: “It had no neck and its big round head was directly joined to the body. Its head was enormous and ended in a green-colored crest that resembled a fin. This fin seemed to have something like a corkscrew halfway down. The body was covered in large scales, some 3 centimeters in diameter, green and darker than the rest of the skin. Stunned as I was, I then saw a second and third figure appear, all of them having similar characteristics. The third figure walked to the middle, and all three turned to look at me. They all came from the same place and walked like regular people. I was able to see their eyes, which looked like a horse’s eyes - round, bulging, black and white – and they showed anger. There was considerable distance between the eyes, they had no noses and small mouths, carrying something in their hands that I couldn’t see clearly.”

“I felt invaded by a sense of terror,” continued Soler, “it was a hellish nightmare. As I kept looking at them, I continued to turn the key over in the ignition until the engine started. I put the car in reverse without looking and got out of there the best I could. I normally tend to revisit places where I’ve had experiences, but I’ve never gone back there.”

The last few words of Soler’s testimony are important. Since his earliest experience with non-human entities, he has felt compelled to learn more about the phenomenon with an intensity that researcher Nava-Osorio compares to that of the Roy Neary chacaracter in Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. These experiences went back to his early childhood, but none was as vivid as his encounter in September 1966 on the banks of the Marganell River.

At that time, Juan Soler had taken his then-girlfriend on a picnic to a highly wooded area frequented by families from the Manresa area. Around 1400 hours, Soler went off to a spring to bring back water, but something caught his eye: a metallic structure he took at first for a motorcycle’s sidecar, but as he approached, he realized that the object was a long white cylinder standing some 60 centimeters over the ground, “looking like a small submarine” – relatively speaking, as the witness placed its length at some five meters and its width at 120 cm, featuring portholes through which brown seats could be seen.

Nava-Osorio notes that Soler was at least ten meters distant from the object at this point. It was then that he saw two humanoid figures who must have descended from the sub-shaped structure shortly before the experiencer’s arrival.

Soler described the occupants as follows: “They were two beings, dressed in white, wearing helmets similar to those worn by motorcyclists. They were dressed in segmented outfits whose rings made them look like the Michelin Man (a reference to Bibendum, the logo of the Michelin tire company, whose image has been used as a descriptor in many CE-3 cases), although their segments were much thinner than those of the advertising character. The vehicle and the occupants’ clothing was the same color. I couldn’t make out their faces clearly due to the fear I felt and the swiftness with which it all occurred. But they seemed Nordic, although I had the impression they’d gotten suntanned, given the look of their skin. Their suits ended where the helmet started – it had no support or collar. They walked ponderously, wearing short-leg boots and gloves. They looked at me in surprise.”

This is where the “Marganell CE-3” - as we might well call it - took a detour into high strangeness.

Gripped by fear, Juan Soler felt the urge to flee, which is understandable in such a situation, but rather than escaping back to the picnic and his waiting girlfriend, he ran *toward* the humanoids, charging between both figures, brushing against one of them. Even more startling was the fact that the owner of the property containing the spring – described as an older man dressed in blue and wearing a cap – was standing there as if witnessing the proceedings. “He shouted an order, and the two humanoids hurriedly boarded their craft. Once aboard, the managed to touch me at the with the sharp end of the vehicle. I also felt something in my head. I turned around a little and told them: Go ahead, go ahead, I’m not about to do anything to you. When the vehicle had reached the height of my own head, I was gripped by excruciating pain. I felt as though my hair was on fire and the pain spread down my arms to my legs. Fully turning around to look, I saw the portholes [on the vehicle] were closed. They both looked at me from their seats and took off uphill […] The pain was similar to an electric shock, like something I’d experienced in the factory I worked for.”

Nava-Osorio did not press the witness for a better explanation of the events. The description as to the vehicle “going uphill” is unsatisfactory, and no mention is made of Soler returning to his girlfriend’s side.

“I showed up late for work on Monday morning,” Soler added. “Rather than reporting at 0500 I showed up at 0900. In the afternoon I went to see the doctor, but he didn’t put me on leave. He did on the following day, and I was on leave for fifteen days. I told the story to a number of people: friends, contemporaries and people at the factory, all of them serious, well-informed people, but no one believed me.”

There was an added detail to the story. Soler’s description of the entities as resembling Bibendum the Michelin Man was ironic in view of the fact that he worked at the Pirelli tire factory for many years, and his buddies began calling him “Gagarin” after the history-making Soviet astronaut.

Soler made efforts over the years to speak to the landowner who had fearlessly barked at the non-humans, prompting their departure. On one occasion, he went to the man’s home to discuss the bizarre experience, only to be slapped by the old man’s fiery tempered daughter. “The man died in later years, and I never had the pleasure of talking to him. In 1994, the daughter’s husband agreed to speak to me, but he had nothing new to say. His father-in-law died nearly at age 90 at the farmhouse.” An effort to discuss the subject with the parish priest also earned Soler a slap in the face.

“A long time after the incident,” Soler reminisced, “and while I was in the town of Peralta de la Sal, I got to speak to José Rami, the community’s jack-of-all-trades. He described an incident very similar to my own. He was a kilometer outside the town of Peralta with some mules and their tackle when he saw a white vehicle with two pilots. He was so frightened that he covered his eyes for a while, allowing the mules to lead him into town.”

The fact that Juan Soler would later drift into contactee circles would only cause serious researchers and journalists to overlook his experiences. Scientists are tired of telling us that the odds of finding human-looking intelligent beings somewhere in the universe is impossible, citing a number of evolutionary and genetic factors. But one researcher, Edward Ashpole, allows a loophole that will be of interest to those interested in humanoid CE-3s and which many will find vindicating. “This line of thinking,” writes Ashpole in his book The UFO Phenomena: A Scientific Look at the Evidence for Extraterrestrial Contacts (London: Headline Books, 1995), leads us to the conclusion that creatures with some kind of primate form, though not like us, might emerge from flying saucers, should flying saucers have a physical reality with biological beings inside them.” He then adds the important cautionary sentence: “But no ET could be like the beautiful people reported by many contactees and abductees, unless they were specially bred from human stock.”

Sidestepping any pro-ETH pathway for a moment, could the answer to the humanoid riddle lie in manipulation of the human race not by “ancient astronauts” but by advanced “next door neighbors” from another dimension, who have meddled with humanity since the earliest days of recorded history, and certainly before that? After all, the Sons of God looked upon the daughters of Men, and found them fair…

Humanoids from a Parallel Universe?

Science fiction enthusiasts, or perhaps more specifically, devotees of the oeuvre of Gerry and Silvia Anderson (UFO, Space:1999 and the supermarionation classics Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and others) surely recall their motion picture Journey to the Far Side of the Sun, whose plot involves the discovery of a planet similar to Earth occupying the same orbit, always concealed by the fiery bulk of the sun. A mission is launched from our planet and promptly crashes on the alien world, where the protagonist, American astronaut Glenn Ross, portrayed by Ray Thinnes (The Invaders), finds himself on a world that mirrors our own in every way. In a way, the movie explores the ages-old legend of “the land on the other side of the looking glass” for a contemporary audience.

It’s very likely that Miguel Herrero, a resident of Alcalá de Henares on the outskirts of Madrid, had never seen Journey to the Far Side of the Sun when fate catapulted him into the pages of UFO history in the early hours of 18 December 1977. An avid fisherman, Herrero had borrowed the company truck to visit a favorite fishing spot, the Buendía Reservoir. Well on his way around six o’clock in the morning, the fisherman’s borrowed vehicle suddenly died on the road (National Hwy 320), and despite Herrera’s best efforts, he found himself unable to restart it. He pushed the truck to the curb and waited for daylight and the possibility of assistance.

He suddenly heard a voice calling out in the morning gloom, and suspecting it might be another stricken motorist, proceeded to go off into the distance to render assistance. He found that the source of the voice was a man wearing a white outfit, asking him to follow him. Thinking it might be a mechanic, Herrera fell in behind the figure.

To his astonishment, he found himself being led to a “hat-shaped object” that projected a metal cylinder to the ground, and a door opened. Herrera would alter tell Madrid’s “El Diario” newspaper: “I found it foolish to think about running at the time. If they wanted to hurt me, they would have done so already.”

The cylinder – described as “metallic and icy cold” – contained an elevator that led them to a large control room. Herrero suffered a brief blackout after his first view of the craft’s interior, subsequently being able to write detailed notes as to what he remembered seeing. The crew, from his notes, were all dressed in white overalls, except for one who bore a red circle on the upper left side. The character introduced himself as “Major Martins”, advising Herrero that the vehicle was able to materialize and dematerialize upon command. Unusually talkative, the humanoid described the crafts operation and other intricacies. Herrero was told that the non-humans “had come to our world by chance. They had calculated a given speed at which to travel, found a void, and reached our dimension two thousand years ago.”

But this Jules Verne-like presentation of technological wonders to an unsuspecting Earthling soon took an ominous turn. Herrero was at first shocked, then frightened, when he saw a man looking exactly like him seated at one of the stations. “My first reaction was to approach him, not to strike him, but to see someone who looked just like me up close.” He was prevented from doing so, advised that he could not come into contact with his doppelgänger, or “his negative”, as Herrero put it. “He was exactly like me, except that the scar which I bear on my left cheek was on his left.” He adds that his double was asked to leave the room, and was not seen again.

It should be noted that a more detailed version of the above appeared in The Journal of Scientific Exploration (Vol 8, No.1, 1994) in a report by Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos. This version includes photographs of the hypnotic regression session performed on Miguel Herrero Sierra and other cases (dismissed as hoaxes by the author) in which the subject of doppelgängers also plays a part. One such event is the 1985 Vallgorguina Incident, in which Xavier C., a young man, develops a roll of film taken after a visit to a megalithic site. The developed images show claws and “monstrous green faces”. Under hypnosis, Xavier C. claims that strange creatures manufactured “a double” of him which he would later see getting onto a bus in Barcelona.

More Encounters

Rodrigo Andujar of the Zona Ovni podcast reported a humanoid case of the 1950s involving "little men from a strange artifact" seen in the province of Cuenca (1 July 1953 Villar del Sainz). Maximo Munoz, the protagonist, was described as an illiterate shepherd who heard a sharp whistling sound - common on these cases - that prompted him to turn around. To his amazement, he found a tank-shaped object on four legs projecting a powerful light. Intrigued, Muñoz approached the device, and a "door" opened in its upper section. Two diminutive figures, referred to as "tietes" (little guys) by the witness, emerged from the structure. The "little guys" were described as 60 centimeters tall, with dark features and slanted eyes. They surrounded the young shepherd, who at no point felt any fear, by his own admission, only as sense of curiosity. He described the creatures' language as "very odd". Apparently losing interest in the human, both entities looked at the landscape before boarding their "tank", which "took of quickly" according to the witness.

Despite his protestations of fearlessness, young Maximo returned home in tears and deeply shaken, according to his parents. The father would eventually return to the scene of the alleged humanoid encounter in the company of the Guardia Civil (state police) captain, being able to ascertain the presence of "many footprints as if from children" on the ground, as well as four square impressions supposedly made by the unknown artifact.

The thoughts of the late John A. Keel on the matter bear repeating in this case: “One basic fact should be obvious from the foregoing – these entities and things are not necessarily from some other planet. They are actually closely tied to the human race, are a part of our immediate environment in some unfathomable fashion, and to a very large extent are primarily concerned with misleading us, misinforming us, and playing games with us.”

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J