30 abr 2015

Doble artículo sobre Criptozoología en Revista Enigmas

Este mes analizamos en la revista ENIGMAS 234 la filmación más célebre de la historia de una búsqueda sin igual: el Bigfoot. En una entrevista en exclusiva hablamos con el experto en el tema, y además profesional de los efectos especiales, Bill Munns, para quien no hay duda alguna de que NO se trata de un montaje. ¡No os perdáis el exhaustivo análisis que hace de la filmación en nuestra revista. ¡Merece la pena! Y además un amplio artículo sobre enigmas cripotzoológicos tanto marinos como terrestres, firmado por nuestros compañeros José Gregorio González y Gustavo Sánchez Romero.




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The Solari Report: The Big Picture

May 1, 2015
First Half Hour of Dreamland (Free)

This week on Dreamland, we turn the tables. Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report interviews Whitley Strieber on what the future holds. Whitley explains the significance of such things as the warming pattern now taking place in the Pacific Ocean, what the slowing Gulf Stream means and the problem of methane outgassing in the Arctic. He then discusses the significance of these changes in the context of how to create and retain wealth and live a prosperous life in the context of profound environmental change.

Second Half of Dreamland (Subscription)

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Star Wars fans send X-Wing in to space

Two amateur astronomers have succeeded in placing a model fighter in to orbit using a weather balloon. While the events of the Star Wars saga remain f...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Unique 'Batman' dinosaur discovered in China

A sparrow-sized flying dinosaur with wings resembling those of a bat has been unearthed by scientists. China has been home to a slew of new dinosaur d...
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El instrumento CARMENES comienza su ensamblaje en un observatorio de Almería

Acaba de comenzar la integración del frontal de CARMENES, el instrumento que buscará planetas como el nuestro desde el Observatorio de Calar Alto, en Almería. El frontal conecta el instrumento al telescopio, recoge la luz y la inyecta en las fibras. Se trata del primer gran subsistema que llega al observatorio, donde se realizarán comprobaciones a lo largo de esta semana.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Un ‘mínimo’ solar de Maunder más corto de lo previsto

Un equipo de investigadores de las universidades de Extramadura y Lisboa ha redefinido la duración del Mínimo de Maunder, un periodo de tiempo en el que disminuyó significativamente la actividad solar. Hasta ahora se pensaba que duró entre 1645 y 1715, pero los análisis de los investigadores sugieren que acabó 15 años antes, sobre 1700.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

US military develops self-steering bullets

The ridiculously accurate projectiles are able to track and hit a moving target over long distances. The job of a military sniper can be difficult at ...
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Los pilares de la creación en 3D

Hace dos décadas el telescopio espacial Hubble captó su famosa imagen de los Pilares de la Creación, colosales columnas polvorientas de la Nebulosa del Águila. Ahora los astrónomos han generado su imagen tridimensional gracias a un instrumento del Observatorio Europeo Austral, en Chile. Los nuevos estudios sugieren que sería más acertado apodar a estas icónicas estructuras como 'los pilares de la destrucción', ya que acabarán evaporándose en tres millones de años.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

GMP: Genetically Modified People

When I was a child, the biggest perceived threat to our long-term existence as a species was the bomb. While we certainly cannot call that ‘the good ol' days’, the number and types of threats today to the future of life on Earth have proliferated far beyond the spread of nuclear technology worldwide.

Take gene manipulation. It’s been around for a while now. But scientists around the world have agreed on a moratorium against manipulating human germ cells or embryos. That’s because the technology is not yet ready for prime time – despite recent advances, including the new technique called CRISPR/Cas9, developed by Jennifer Doudna, a scientist at UC Berkeley.

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29 abr 2015

Does the universe only have two dimensions ?

New mathematical models lend credence to the idea that we live in a universe that is essentially flat. The concept of depth is something we see, exper...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Un niño de siete años descubrió en Chile «la Piedra Rosetta de la paleontología»

Una mañana de febrero de 2004, Diego Suárez, un niño chileno de siete años, se levantó decidido a descubrir los restos fósiles de un dinosaurio.

Cuando mostró los huesos azules que había encontrado, a sus padres se les pusieron los ojos como platos: «Diego había hallado en la Patagonia la Piedra Rosetta de la paleontología», dijo a Efe Fernando Novas, doctor en ciencias naturales.

«Lo que Diego sostenía en sus pequeñas manos resultaron ser dos diminutos huesos de un extraño dinosaurio nunca antes descubierto que no pertenecía a ninguno de los grupos de dinosaurios que se conocían hasta el momento», explicó Novas, jefe del laboratorio de anatomía comparada en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Buenos Aires y encargado de liderar la investigación.

El «Chilesaurus diegosuarezi», bautizado en honor a la pequeña estrella de la paleontología, posee rasgos de los tres principales rangos en los que se divide la historia de los dinosaurios.

«Tiene características de los terópodos, mayoritariamente carnívoros, los ornitisquios y los sauropodomorfos, ambos herbívoros», afirmó el científico para quien el hallazgo es comparable al descubrimiento de la Piedra Rosetta, la estela egipcia clave para el entendimiento moderno de los jeroglíficos.


Linaje desconocido por la ciencia

Este representante de un linaje desconocido por la ciencia, que«obligará a replantear la historia de la evolución de los dinosaurios», fue presentado hoy en sociedad en un acto en la Universidad de los Andes en Santiago de Chile que reunió a todos los protagonistas del hallazgo.

«¡Mamá voy a buscar un dinosaurio!» recuerda exclamar Diego Suárez la mañana del descubrimiento, en las cercanías del remoto lago General Carrera situado en la región patagónica de Aysén.

«Mientras mis papás estaban haciendo investigaciones geológicas yo estaba en el cerro, aburrido, sin ningún juguete ni nada. Le dije a mi mamá que iba en busca de un dinosaurio y encontré algo grande», explica el precoz paleontólogo que ahora ya tiene 18 años.

Aunque no se quiere dedicar a ello, Suárez está orgulloso de pasar a la historia de la paleontología pues siempre puede decir que cumplió uno de sus sueños de infancia: «¿Qué niño no desea encontrar un dinosaurio?».

Los restos fósiles «no eran nada evidentes»

No por ser un niño y jugar con las piedras, el descubrimiento de Suárez tienen menos mérito, pues según Novas los restos fósiles «no eran nada evidentes».

«Antes de esa mañana, Diego había jugado en el campo con los huesos de vaca, conocía la existencia de los fósiles y sabía diferenciar un hueso de una piedra» explicó el papá de Diego, el geólogo Manuel Suárez quien recuerda cómo, a muy temprana edad, su hijo imitaba a sus progenitores llevando siempre bajo el brazo una «libreta de terreno».

«Espero que este descubrimiento anime a otros niños a acercarse a la ciencia y lanzarse a la búsqueda de dinosaurios», bromeó el padre.

Este nuevo descubrimiento recuerda el histórico hallazgo hecho en Cantabria en 1868 cuando una niña de nueve años, María Sanz de Sautuola, descubrió lo que creyó que eran «toros pintados en la roca» dentro de una cavidad natural cercana a su casa.


María había dado con la cueva de Altamira, hoy reconocida como uno de los ciclos pictóricos y artísticos más importantes de la Prehistoria.

Como el arte rupestre descubierto en Altamira, según los expertos, este hallazgo forzará el replanteamiento de la historia.

«Nuestra hipótesis es que se trata de un dinosaurio terópodo que se convirtió en herbívoro lo que, de ser así, obligaría a reconsiderar el rompecabezas evolutivo», apuntó.

Enigmático Chilesaurus

De entre muchas de las incógnitas que rodean al enigmático Chilesaurus destaca la excepcionalidad de sus características, sólo encontradas en esta remota región de la Patagonia.

«Si los continentes estaban unidos en un supercontinente llamado Pangea, ¿Por qué no se ha encontrado ninguna evidencia de este dinosaurio en alguna otra parte del planeta Tierra?», se preguntó el científico.

En los próximos años, el equipo de científicos que lleva a cabo la investigación tiene planeado seguir con la búsqueda y la excavación para intentar desvelar los secretos que esconde este particular antepasado que hace 148 millones de años campaba a sus anchas por las exhuberantes tierras del fin del planeta


Fuente: La voz de Galicia

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Signs of life found beneath Antarctic tundra

A unique ecosystem discovered 1,000ft underground may increase the odds of finding life on other worlds. Lower Taylor Valley in Antarctica might seem ...
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Salvador Freixedo: Defending Ourselves From the Gods

[It was with great delight that we received a copy of Espacio Compartido (Shared Space), the official bulletin of the IIEE (Institución de Investigación y Estudios Exobilógicos - Institute for Exobiological Study and Research), sent by our distinguished friend and colleague Ignacio Darnaude. Among its fascinating contents was a chapter from Salvador Freixedo's Defendámonos de los Dioses - Beware of the Gods - the landmark book I translated in the very early 1990s upon learning that such an important book to the study of ufology remained unavailable in English, although the late Gordon Creighton had set out to provide the field with a translation.

Ramón Nava Osorio at Espacio Compartido has selected the eighth chapter of this massive work for inclusion in issue #80 of his publication.

Having failed at securing a U.S. or U.K. publisher for the book, my translation has languished on a 3.5 disk for nearly 25 years. Following Mr. Nava's lead, I am sharing the eighth chapter of Beware of the Gods with Inexplicata's readership. In view of the current direction of UFO studies, Freixedo's conclusions will probably upset those looking for a nuts-and-bolts and extraterrestrial answer to the riddle, and may offend those with a religious outlook. -- Scott Corrales]

Chapter Eight: Defending Ourselves from the Gods
By Salvador Freixedo
From the book Beware of the Gods (Defendámonos de los Dioses)
Spain: Editorial Quintá, 1980

I will kick off this chapter with two strange statements:

1. If certain gods (*) choose to interfere in a person's life, this person will have practically no means of preventing it and shall be at the mercy of what the god has in store for him/her.

Stated so simply, this affirmation sounds terrifying, but no matter how harsh it seems, it is something that has occurred throughout the millennia. This fatalism (which is clearly manifested in the lives of certain humans) has been sublimated or explained away in a thousand ways by all religions, but they have been unable to avoid it, because the gods they invoke are precisely those who bring it about, no matter how much they claim to be "fathers" or "benefactors". Logically, they are the ones who see fit now and then to send us "saviors" to keep us from despair when faced with so many adverse situations and so much pain and inevitable suffering in our lives. This pain and suffering is also their work, and it is accepted and endured by us as if it were something appended to our lives and our life on this planet.

The second statement serves to counteract the first and to give us no small relief after the disquieting feeling produced by the first one:

2. The gods hardly ever take an interest in the private lives of humans, and rarely tend to interfere with a particular individual.

At first glance, it would seem that this statement runs contrary to what we have been saying all along, but this is not the case at all. The gods are quite interested in humanity taken as a whole, or at least in large, homogeneous social groups, but take little interest in particular individuals, with the exception of those who can exert great influence over many people. In the same way that humans take little interest in a given cow, pig or rabbit, we have always been concerned with improving these species in order to increase their yield. As I have said repeatedly, the best way to study, at a glance, the relationship of gods with men, is by comparing it to our treatment of the animal world. As hard as this is to take, it is nonetheless the truth.

(*) I say "certain gods" because most of them cannot interfere. Only those with great power interfere, as well as others whose level of existence or degree of evolution are closer to our own, and can therefore find the barrier which separates us easier to

But let's go back to the subject of how we can best defend ourselves from the meddling of the gods in our lives, particularly our private lives.

"Under water, the dumbest fish can bite the smartest man" is a well-known axiom. In our world, humans are in our own element, and if we remain within it, the gods, no matter who they are or how they manifest themselves, will have a hard time interfering in our lives because they are out of their natural environment. Although this sounds strange, their natural environment is also a physical one, just as they are physical themselves, no matter that the physical rules that govern them are unknown to us, and that their psychic powers are much more developed than our own.

The logical outcome of all this is the first rule that we must follow in defending ourselves from them:

I. We must not go beyond the limits of our human environment, or stated in other words, we must not try to enter into theirs.

All of those who attempt to become "elevated" in this life are in fact, entering their realm. Those who seek trance states, no matter what kind; those who climb certain mountains at certain times of the year to enter into contact with them; those who prepare their minds with religious or magical rituals (we mustn't forget that magic is just another facet of religion); all of these people are venturing into the realm of the gods, or if not precisely into their realm, at least toward the marches of the human world, where the gods manifest themselves with greater ease and where humans can no longer avail themselves efficiently of their greatest defensive weapon--their intelligence.

I stated earlier that it is, in a certain way, perilous to physically approach some preachers. "founders", illuminati and mystics who are so abundant in our own time. The reason is the same: by doing so we are entering their realm and subjecting ourselves, unwittingly, to their emanations (radiation of a physical sort), similar in a way to that which is inflicted upon a turkey in a microwave oven, and in another sense, to those which are produced from the top of the antenna of a radio station. No one questions that after a while, the turkey gets cooked; but on the other hand, no one suspects that the brains (particularly teenage brains) of those who are in contact with illuminati, are also being "cooked" by the waves that issue from the minds of these tools of the gods, and after a while, they will no longer be able to think for themselves but merely repeat robotically whatever they have been told. This is the case with thousands of youths who have been captivated by the thousands of sects that swarm around the planet. Psychologists are studying in earnest the system by which such thorough brain washing is achieved, and particularly, how to achieve detoxification and deprogramming. But they shall not find it until they keep in mind that which is being said here.

Another great means of defense from the gods, which we have spoken of earlier, is

II. Not to surrender our minds to anyone, ever.

The mind must always be free and ready at the service of human beings to tell them what are the circumstances of the moment and what it is that he or she must do. Many humans, baffled by what they saw or felt at a particular moment, surrendered their minds and were later unable to judge and see that the things they had been told and practice were senseless. This is the case with religious fanatics and with those who are not religious fanatics, but simply those who are the faithful of all religions. As children they accepted a faith that was planted in their souls like an instinct and another cultural element, and were no longer able to question it or subject it to rational analysis in later life. They simply accepted it like one accepts language, tastes or love of country.

This business of not yielding one's mind to anyone is of great importance in which the large urban masses and society in general are manipulated like herds by the all-powerful communications media such as television and radio, skillfully manipulated by experts in the manipulation of minds. The mind must be kept in a state of readiness and should not be turned over to religious leaders, sports idols, the doctors that treat us or anybody else. All of them can be wrong, and at a given moment--even if it is unconsciously--they can act in their own interests, taking advantage of our gullibility. Each person's mind must be the judge at the very end, of individual actions. Turning it over to another to follow what he says blindly is an act of mental suicide that runs contrary to the great commandment of evolution, which is one of the fundamental laws of the Cosmos.

As years went by and I became decidedly convinced that I had spent a fair portion of my existence on this world with my life devoted to a senseless cause (on account of the "surrender of mind" which I'd done in my adolescence), I have become more conscious of the importance of not turning over one's mind to anyone and of using it to analyze all events that concern me more or less. In order for the reader to see how far this attitude of mine goes, I shall proceed to retell an anecdote that took place some seven years ago in Mexico City.

I was at a séance, which I had attended in search of a person that allegedly practiced psychometry (*) with a great degree of accuracy.

(*) Psychometry is the name given in parapsychology to the ability of some psychics to describe many of the qualities of the owners of the objects that the psychic is holding in his hands, or events related to such objects.

The medium leading the séance (who gave me the impression of being a fake from the very start) requested that all of us seated around her held hands to form a chain. Right away, the one at the end of the chain intoned something that was apparently an important step of the séance's ritual: "I open my intelligence to the spirits who wish to appear in this session and yield my mind to their teachings". Everyone was mechanically repeating the same phrase. When it was my turn, I said without a scrap of hesitation: "I pass."

The medium discreetly opened an eye to see who the dissenter was. When I was told in hushed tones that it was necessary for me to say something so as not to "break the chain", I said: "I yield my mind to no one, because I want it to be alert to what's going on in here." Naturally, in the presence of such a heretic, the spirits chose not to manifest themselves in that séance.

The indiscriminate "yielding of mind" presupposes that all super or extrahuman beings are good or beneficial toward Man and will act accordingly. As we have seen throughout this entire book, this point of view is totally ingenuous.

The third piece of advice for defending ourselves from the gods could be in a certain way contrary to what Moses was told on the stone tablets: "Worship Me." Knowing Yahweh as we do, this will help us to formulate our own commandment:

III. Do not invoke anyone. Do not summon anyone in order to venerate them. Do not stoop before any man-god or any thing-god to worship or hold rites.

The true God of the Universe, the Supreme Intelligence totally unfathomable in its entirety to the human mind, does not go around demanding the constant adoration of it creations or signs of their affection like some jealous lover. This jibes with the concept that Christianity has of God: a very powerful "dude" who resembles us closely in both our positive and negative aspects. It is logical that such a god would require devotion, worship and even gifts. But the True God is not a beggar; the True God continues his ceaseless task of creating and taking pleasure in how his creatures unfold each according to its own nature, without any need for them to constantly turn to Him to thank him or ask Him not to condemn them to some eternal punishment.

In enunciating this commandment we are venturing into an area in which the nascent cosmic theology meets the old dogmatic theology and clashes with it head-on.

When someone is invoked, their presence is being propitiated on the one hand while on the other, they are being encouraged to manifest themselves and on many occasions, the mental energy of their followers is physically boosting a god's power to become manifest. On the other hand, personal psychic power is being spent, lowering its resistance to external influences and making it more willing to accept the "message" or commands of a god in a docile manner.

In human life, a normal adult doesn't run back to his father every other step to seek advice, simply because one must make one's own decisions, and these decisions are in fact made, with little thought that one is offending one's father even if he still lives. In religion, on the other hand, we have been indoctrinated and conditioned to have no confidence in ourselves and to consult with God endlessly, to check what his will is at that very moment and in practice to follow the guidelines that his self-appointed representatives have already laid out.

The best worship that we can give God is the proper use of all the creatures of nature, something which has been totally disregarded in Christianity, with the abuse of nature being something that has no connection to religion, according to Christian doctrinaires. The respect for life--in all of its manifestations--is a basic tenet in some Eastern religions. In Christianity, this respect applies only to human life: irrationally and out of control concerning abortion, and by contrast, very lax when it comes to "punishing the criminal". It is common for fervent Christians to be advocates of capital punishment and partial to "holy wars" in defense of moral causes and "sacred honor" or "religious beliefs".

These pious savages of the 20th century have no qualms about executing anyone who is not of a like mind. Proofs of this were the countless deaths by firing squad carried out by the nationalists during General Franco's "Glorious Crusade". It is true that the opposition was probably guilty of worse savagery, but at least their leaders did not engage in Spiritual Exercises or referred to themselves as "crusaders".

By saying that we should not invoke or prostrate ourselves before anyone, I am in no way proposing atheism. I have stated elsewhere that the diehard atheist seems to display little intelligence. What I am trying to do is to raise all of humanity to an adult level, leaving behind a childish notion of God, as if God were a being that is playing hide-and-seek with us while we are permanently chasing after him,

The invocation to God--the real and not the Biblical God--shall be conducted in a much more rational and even more dignified way in the future, without the characteristics that many of these adorations and invocations currently feature, which can be designated as humiliating to the nature of the human being ( I don't believe that God wishes to humiliate the dignity of any of his creatures at any time) and even overtones of masochism.

On the other hand, the importance of this "no-invocation" concept lies in that the summoner--for that is the etymological meaning of "invoke"--is sooner or later heard, just as Christ said it. But in this case he is heard to his own detriment, as he is summoning someone that could well end up by taking advantage of the unsuspecting invoker. This has been the case with humanity throughout millennia, with the different religions and different gods that each one of them invoked.

Man searched then and has always searched for the Supreme Cause, the true GOD, and the different religions offered him a distorted image of that GOD, personalized by some being or another, who in the long run benefitted from mortal invocations, taking advantage of the energy he was receiving from them to manifest itself under one guise or another.

An example of the importance of "no-invocation" can be found, among many others, in the "game" of Ouija. This dangerous game (of which there are many variants) consists of a board covered with letters, numbers and symbols. A planchette unconsciously propelled by the fingers of those present glides over the board's surface with ease. Questions are asked and the planchette begins to move toward the symbols or toward the letters, so that at the end more or less clear and definite replies to the questions can be obtained.

This game goes against the first piece of advice we offered, which was "not to enter into their realm". The Ouija board is at the edge of the border of human rationality and for this very reason; it is in a position where the gods can manifest themselves with greater ease. Aside from this and with even greater peril is the fact that the Ouija is an open invocation or invitation to the manifestation of these unknown, and in a certain way more intelligent, beings. As stated earlier, there are many more differences among them than there are among humans, and an invocation of this sort will probably not attract the more evolved and superior ones (simply because they are not interested) but the less evolved and inferior ones (out of curiosity toward our world or as a game) and in this case, the invokers are wide open to anything.

The mere fact of the invocation or invitation to materialize is what gives them the will and physical power to do so, which would probably not have occurred if humans had not made the task of crossing the barriers that separate us easier. This is the reason why the incidents occurred in these "esoteric" rites or games are so numerous, and why so many people have emerged psychologically damaged from them (the reader should know that the difficulty that these less-evolved beings have in crossing into our world is shared by us, probably in a greater degree, when crossing into theirs. However, we can do so through the use of physical or mental exercises, the use of drugs, etc.).

Finally, we can say that the invoker exposes himself to becoming a "host", as is said in certain initiatic circles. This means that the god could become addicted, exclusively and habitually, to a certain type of energy that it extracts from a given summoner, coming back time and again because of the taste it has developed for this humans particular emanations. On the other hand, a "rapport" could take place between god and summoner; after several manifestations, the god can learn to extract the energy it needs from a given summoner (whether an invocation has been made or not) and become a "parasite" from that moment on, in light of the ease of extracting what it is that it wants (it is the same sort of "rapport" or special relationship that develops between a good hypnotist and the person that has been hypnotized several times by him. In spite of distances and with or without the patient's consent, the hypnotist can make him or her go into a hypnotic trance. The reason for this is that the hypnotist's brainwaves and those of his patient's are now some ways "in synch").

In these cases, which are more numerous than one would think, the human often contracts a more or less serious illness or infirmity that often resists the best efforts of doctors and the victim himself.

While many experts may feel that this is all absurd hypothesizing, they ought to pause and dwell for a moment upon a well-known (and hallowed) fact that confirms these "hypotheses" in their entirety. I am referring to the illnesses that all the Christian mystics have experienced as a matter of course, and there is no need to go around searching for physical causes to their maladies, as their biographers and their own autobiographies tell us clearly that "The Lord made them suffer to aid in their perfection and the salvation of other souls." The phrase issued by Christ to St. Theresa is a classic: "I treat my friends badly," making reference to the ailments, sufferings and "nights of the soul" that practically all mystics have been subjected to. They offered themselves like gentle sheep and the god leeches off them mercilessly but in a subtle way, sublimated by the explanations of "ascetic theology."

We have reached the significant conclusion that a mystic in a state of ecstasy (in any religion), with the suffering and joy clearly present on their features, forms the crowning moment in the relationship between a lesser god and a mortal. The god torments the willing human who offers his or her own pain, while the god reciprocates with a sort of psychic orgasm to keep the mystic from passing out and for their brain to continue emitting the vibrations that please the god so much.

With the subject of illness we have entered into the next piece of advice that I would offer the reader to fend off the interference of the gods in his or her life:

IV. Do not offer them your pain. Do not lend yourself to suffering. Reject pain for pain's sake and never seek it out. Rebel against the holy masochism that has been enthroned like a sacrament for centuries in the Christian Church.

Some might feel that these counsels are the quintessence of egotism, and would refute them by saying that life requires many moments of sacrifice. Parents must sacrifice a great deal to raise children until these are able to fend for themselves; one must sacrifice oneself for the sick, the elderly, etc., and not for religious reasons but out of a natural sense of ethics.

I agree entirely with this line of thought, but the reader should realize that all these sacrifices are aimed toward human beings; they are efforts to remedy the weaknesses of beings like ourselves who need our aid because of special circumstances or because of the normal course of nature. They are not aimed at God, and therein lies the difference. There is nothing unusual about one human helping another even at the cost of his own pain, but it is very unusual and inexplicable that God should exact pain and sacrifice from inferior beings such as humans. It is something that humanity--or at least those men and women who have the time and ability to meditate about life a little deeper--should have reflected upon a long time ago: why is the role of pain, self-denial and sacrifice so important in all religions? Why must humans sacrifice for all the different gods we believe in, and not only that, sacrifice animals too, as the religious leaders of all times have told us? How did Judaism differentiate itself from other religions in this respect (with its sacrifice of the animals demanded by Yahweh) and later on Christianity, with the cruel sacrifice of its founder, the hallowing of the forsaking of pleasure in the ascetic path and the sublimation of pain and death in the Christian choice of its ubiquitous symbol, the cross?

If the Christian god were really a father, why should he demand of his children suffering and the cross? All the explanations that Christianity and other religions give us to solve this mystery are inconsistent and fade away when examined without fanaticism and prejudice. To make humans come into the world already guilty of a sin and to threaten them immediately with eternal hellfire are aberrations fit only for sick minds and it is high time that civilized humans rid themselves of them once and for all.

The only explanation for the mystery of pain is the one being offered throughout the length of this book: God does not want human pain, but the gods do (because they benefit from it in some way or another). The problem resides in that Men confuse these gods with the Supreme Universal Energy, and attribute to it what has been caused by the others. To restate Christ's assertion that, "Wherever the corpses are, there shall the vultures gather," we could say that "Where ever there is human pain, the gods surely gather." The habitual sightings of UFOs during great disasters (earthquakes is particular) and wars (there was unusually heavy UFO activity during the Falklands War, and the reader must keep in mind the mysterious "foo fighters" of the Korean War) should give humans pause, including those myopic "ufologists" that either ignore these facts or would rather not consider them because they contradict the theory of the alleged kindness of our visitors. UFOs are there in those moments either because they are the cause of the occurrence (made to seem natural on many occasions) or have gathered there in haste to take advantage of a truly natural disaster.

"To lose one's faith" has a tragic religious connotation, because it is practically synonymous with "eternal damnation". This will be the fifth piece of advice that I'll give my readers to free themselves from the meddling of the gods in their lives:

V. Do away with dogmas and rites. Put aside traditional beliefs having to do with the Beyond and with the way one ought to envision life.

As long as humanity is strapped to the capricious commandments of the different gods it currently believes in, and as long as we continue to believe that these commandments are above what out reason and common sense tell us, we will continue to be easy prey for them, since we bare our souls in all good will to their dictates and desires. For this reason humans must reach a religious "coming of age", rejecting those parts of Christian dogma that go against common sense. To do this most Christians would have to rethink their faith, something which they have probably never done before. Once more, we would have to believe that the grim doctrinaire axiom of: "Believe, don't think" is fatally heeded and practiced by all religions with the consequences we have seen throughout this book.

The truth is that having had to accept as normal aberrations that go against our common sense and the most basic dictates of reason for generation after generation, humanity has accepted things that go against the most basic notions of equity as just, and has swallowed absurd statements that do not stand up to the most elemental analysis as sacred articles of faith.

I do not mean to say by this that everything that Christianity asks us to believe or practice is false or absurd. On the contrary, I am strongly in agreement that there are valid commandments at the bosom of Christianity. The problem is that they are given to us mixed in with dogmas that repel reason. No one can deny the validity of the commandment to love one's neighbor, the respect for parents or the prohibition on lying or stealing, etc. But side by side with these valid principles, common to other religions and to the most basic natural ethics, stand beliefs like the existence of an eternal hell, a God converted not only into a man but into wine as well, an infallible human authority and an immediate heaven after this life, which will be practically like a country club exclusively for those who have believed the incredible things that Christianity has forced us to believe in.

As long as the human mind is unable to cast aside such absurdities, they will continue to be sick and unable to evolve in order for Man to occupy his rightful place as a rational being on this planet and in the Cosmos.

This leads us by the hand to another piece of advice that grows logically and naturally from the preceding one:

VI. Become de-traumatized. Free the soul of all fear and anguish and the wrongheaded deformations which misleading Christian beliefs (and ultimately, the gods) have taught us throughout our lives and throughout the centuries.

Our minds are ill. Just like the minds of many people are deeply affected by a trauma or fright they received while very young, so is humanity's collective mind and ability for dispassionate thinking been affected. It would seem that we inherit this trait in our genes, which is why in the infancy of all cultures, the gods frightened us and left us with the complex of "not being able", that we are "unworthy", and that we need them and must place ourselves at their service. As a result of this complex, humanity has wasted a fair part of its energies over the centuries in "serving God" (rather than develop and improve the planet), and as a result of this inability to think calmly--and of this misunderstood "service to God"--humanity has made for itself the most disastrous and horrifying history that one could imagine.

Our minds are truly ill, as we are unable to agree upon the most basic things that would help this planet to run better. More and more are beginning to believe that there is a genetic preprogramming that forces us to fight and live in perpetual discord. Students of human history from the conflict perspective have no other explanation for the foolish patterns of conduct of humanity over the centuries.

Our minds and souls are sick, and for that reason it is vital that we subject them to a process of deep catharsis. And this cleansing must start by eliminating all the false axioms that are implanted into us at birth and which later on, religions, countries and families--three "sacred" institutions--will reinforce in our minds.

In fact they are only a strategy to keep humans from evolving, fighting constantly, placing our lives at the "service of God" and stunting our rise to the status of supermen.

Once achieved, we shall be ready to take the next positive step that will defend us even more against the power of the gods:

VII. Instate a new system of values. Organize new priorities for life, not according to the wishes of any god but according to the needs of the human race.

But we shall never reach this new system of values if we do not follow the fifth and sixth steps outlined here. As long as we continue to think that some things are sinful because the go against "the will of God", when they are in fact useful to humanity as a whole and do not offend anyone in particular, we will not be able to shake off the yoke of the gods.

This awakening of human conscience and the arrival at an adulthood in which we now feel capable to assume our own responsibilities, without any need for asking the "representatives of God" if we can do it or not, should lead us to write new commandments, much more generic in nature, in which the dignity and common sense of the human being are respected. We must to this without having to refer to bibles or infallible entities; we must do it by agreeing among ourselves, like we have agreed to do many other things.

In a kind of world parliament, humans will have to get together to agree on what is best for humanity and what is not best, and those will be the new commandments and new dogmas. We must study the true "natural law" versus the other "natural law" which theologians have spoken of so much and which religious authorities have manipulated in their benefit.

The sacredness that these religious authorities have built into many things and actions in human life will cease to be, if humans agree that such "sacred" action or thing is detrimental to humanity. The only sacred thing on Earth is life itself and its proper evolution. God will no doubt with anything that humans agree to in harmony, no matter how these decisions may go against all those things that the doctrinaires have declared sacred.

These new commandments will be much more relative and adaptable to the needs of men, because they will no longer be subjected to the "desires" of any god, but rather in the interest of human beings. Although someone might suggest that they should no longer be called commandments, since they are only the wishes of men, they are remain commandments of God, because the true God--the intelligence that rules the Cosmos--only wants the proper evolution of the human being and that of every creature on the planet. And if humans took the time to study what this evolution is all about, they would come closer to abiding with the "will of God" than by making sacrifices or following absurd rituals to the false gods who have deceived them for millennia.

All this philosophy was genially summed up by a peasant interviewed by the newspaper El País on his 95th birthday: "If it's good for Mankind, keep it coming!", to which he added: "Religious rites are nothing more than insults against God and man."

These new dogmas will be much more generic and respectful of the Divinity, and will make no attempt to define or analyze it, recognizing that our brain is incapable of encompassing an Intelligence and Power that have been able to set in motion the myriad worlds we see spinning over our heads at night. We will believe a lot less things, but will expect a lot more, because the Cosmic God, the Universal God, has no wrath, is not impatient, and certainly has no eternal torments in mind for this fantastic speck of dust known as Man.

Speaking thus, we reach the final counsel that will aid mortals in defending themselves from the gods:


This is of great importance and is at the roots of the transformation that humanity will undergo in the next few decades. In fact, this great transformation has already begun, and there are signs of it everywhere.

The reader will have to excuse several quotes from my book Por qué agoniza el cristianismo ("The reason for christiany's dying") in which I devoted two whole chapters to explain what christianity's notion of God was and what my own was. I recommend this book to readers who would like to delve deeper into this very important subject.

"I wish to make it very clear that I believe that there is "something"--unreachable in its entirety by my mind--that constitutes the Essence of the Cosmos and that fills it all yet is different from all. In other words, I believe that there is a God, but this God that I have deduced by reasoning is entirely different from the biblical God.

"The very word "God" constitutes a real problem for theology, and the most advanced theologians agree on this, oddly enough. We must always bear in mind that all religious concepts and ideas are the work of man, not God. Just as Gabriel Vahanian observes: "religion was not invented by God but by humans." Naturally, man pours into his religious ideas all his ignorance, failures and limitations. The very first glimmer of these limitations can be found in the word "God" and in the different concepts we have when we say it.

"I confess that more than words or clear concepts to define Him, what I have in my mind are voids to explain a reality that eludes me, which is the reason I prefer to explain my idea of Him in negative terms, stating what He is not.

"God is neither a person, nor does he have sons (much less a mother), nor is he a judge, pardoner, nor is vengeful, wrathful (rage being one of the seven deadly sins), nor is he one thing or another. These are all purely human terms applied to God with the same logic that the words "tender", "sensible", "resentful" or "tame" could be applied to a bridge--once can do so only in a very remote and semi-poetic way, but to describe a bridge one must employ completely different terms.

"The great difference is that we know the bridge very well, while we don't know God at all or know him poorly and from afar, which is why we lack the adjectives to define him. This has been the great sin of theologians of all religions: the lack of respect with which they have treated God. Believing to know Him intimately, they have defined him and have given us an idea of Him that is entirely cartoonish if not downright ribald, even blasphemous. The god of the Pentateuch and the god of Christian theology is a genuine monster.

"The wrathful god, the vengeful god, the god that becomes taken with a particular people and forgets or mistreats others, the
god that allows millions to starve to death, the god in whose name wars were made and empires and continents were conquered, the god whose faith was spread by the sword and defended by the bonfire, the god who delighted in the pomp of his vicars, the god that "inspired" his prophets to curse and anathemize those who dissented, the god that imposes the cross and suffering as the only means of reaching him, the god that has hells to punish this poor shade called man, that god is a menace to humanity, that god is a sort of insult to the human mind, that god has no rational explanation...that god is dying in the minds of men.

"This is no more, no less, than the essence of the famous theology of the "death of God" that some years ago shook the conscience of thinking Christians and unleashed waves of indignation and protest from those who could not understand what it was all about.

"The man of our generation has realized that God cannot be that way and has set out to look for him along other paths. The mind of today's man is making an enormous effort to conceive an image of God that is closer to reality; an idea in which God is not so humanized and distorted...

"In a simple and attentive reading of the Pentateuch we discover immediately that the god we encounter there--the Yahweh that appeared to Abraham and Moses--is an vengeful, cruel, capricious individual, fixated on a single nation and fierce against others who were supposedly also his children , jealous of other gods (gods that did not exist, to judge from the teachings of Yahweh himself), intolerant, impatient, unfulfiller of promises, tireless demander of bloody sacrifices (with which he did little more than emulate the "false gods" of the neighboring tribes), strange in his way of showing himself, confusing and contradictory in his message to men, issuer of absurd petitions, erratic in his behavior, demanding, ruthless in his punishments, blind to the other inhabitants of the world, and finally, too similar to man in his virtues and vices. But we not only have a right to expect virtue from the God who is the source of all beauty and the kindness that all humans seek out, but all of them in large amounts and an utter absence of the negative and bad things we find in the Yahweh of the Pentateuch.

"This is the image of God that assails us when we read the first few pages of the Bible. To those who say that it is a distorted view, we suggest that they continue reading the books that follow the Pentateuch so that they can see that the prophets and other ministers of Yahweh saw their god in the same light, which is why the speak incessantly of his wrath and vengeance...

"My God is neither here nor there. He does not "want", does not become "upset", does not "punish", has no need of "forgiving". All these are the attributes of human persons, and as I have already said, God is neither a man nor a person.

"Without a doubt, the child-human feels much safer with the idea of a God-father and feels lost and orphaned if deprived of it.
This is why I believe that the concept of presenting God as a father, stressing the point heavily, was a major achievement of Christianity and Christ. But since the times of Christianity’s inception, human psychology (particularly among the more evolved types) has changed a great deal

"I do not believe in the heaven that is portrayed in Christianity, an immediate and definitive heaven with a direct contemplation of God. This is another mammoth puerility of the world’s child-inhabitants. Upon coming back from life--just like children returning from school--humans want to find their mother-God at home. They have a need to hug her, know that she's there, tell her about the incidences of the classroom of life. But such a God-mother, God-father, God-person does not exist. God is entirely different.

"I feel much closer to God when I see his firm hand moving the giant machinery of the heavens or when we look into the fantastic landscapes that we encounter in the depths of matter, than when I read of the butchery and vengeance of the repulsive character that judeo-christianity has portrayed as the God of the Universe...

"I understand that many, hearing God spoken of in this manner, are unmoved or even feel a bit forsaken. The best that they can do is to go on picturing God in the manner that benefits their psyche the most. It matters little how we imagine Him. God is like He is and not as humans conceive Him. The only counsel I can give such people is that their idea of God should be stripped of all the hairshirts of "wrath", "justicemaker", "avenger", "demander of perpetual pain and sacrifice", that learned fanatics have imposed upon Him with the passing of time.

"To conclude the difficult task of expressing what my idea of God is, I will say that my God is Omnipotence, my God is Order (although the fantastic order of creation is sometimes inconceivable to our mosquito-sized viewpoint); my God is greatness (not pettiness, like the Christian god); my God is Light; my God is Beauty; my God is Love, a love that in this human stage of my existence I feel and return through my brother humans and through all creatures. And since my God is Love, I know that sooner or later, and in spite of my smallness and flaws, he will flood me with Himself...

In a "Final Exhortation" I restate these ideas, telling the reader:

"Mortal human, dust-mote, wisp of smoke, snow flake that shines for a moment in the night of time and in a second melts upon the ground, quit looking for God here and there! Do not set Him down anywhere, do not reduce him, do not make a caricature of Him, do nothing more! God lies in the infinite Universe that surrounds you and which is too vast for your small brain to comprehend. Stop chasing God like he was a naughty boy playing games with you! Stop the childish belief that you can only be happy is you latch on to Him like a talisman that protects you and brings you good luck! Stop torturing yourself with false notions of torment, punishment, demons, purgatories and hells, and feel the right of taking your place in the Cosmos!

"Look at yourself! You are a genuine child of God! Not by any redemption or salvation that anyone has bestowed upon you, but by the divinity in which your nature participates, and which you must evolve through the good use of your intelligence and heart."

My apologies to the reader for such a long self-quote, but aside from not being able to restate what I had already written, the ideas placed herein are the logical and natural culmination of everything that has been said in this chapter.

The final phrase of the quote, in which the reader is urged to his own evolution, will be the one that guides us into the final chapter of this book.

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Un proyecto del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, preseleccionado para el observatorio Gemini

El observatorio Gemini, compuesto por dos telescopios gemelos de 8,1 metros situados en Hawái y Chile, acaba de publicar la lista de los cuatro proyectos seleccionados para su siguiente fase de instrumentación. Entre ellos figura OCTOCAM, un detector de objetos transitorios liderado por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Creepy figure appears in wedding photograph

A couple celebrating their wedding were shocked to find an unexpected extra in one of their pictures. Newlyweds Kevin and Christiana had been browsing...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Argentina: UFOs? Researchers Look Into the Ibicuy Lights

Source: AIM Digital, Visión OVNI & Planeta UFO
Date: 04.29.2015

[On April 13 2015 we presented an interesting account on the "Ibicuy lights", which have frightened more than one fisherman in these riverine islands. Andrea Pérez Simondini has visited the site for research and to provide further insight on the matter - SC]

Argentina: UFOs? Researchers Look Into the Ibicuy Lights
By AIM Digital

A research team is analyzing eyewitness accounts from residents of Mazzaruca, Ibicuy, regarding manifestations of mysterious lights over rural roads: "We held a night watch on April 18 and saw a light emerging from the sky, but are still unable to ascertain its nature," Andrea Pérez Simondini of Visión Ovni told AIM. She says these sightings are connected to experiences occurring in Victoria, and notes that new eyewitness accounts have been obtained.

During a conversation with Agency, Simondini explained that she arrived at Mazzaruca, Ibicuy, on April 18, 2015 along with her team to look into an eyewitness report from a local resident who discussed his experiences in an article published by AIM. "The goal was to study the exact location where the events occurred."

"We were at the witness's home and he suggested that we visit a site where we held a night watch to see if flashes or lights would occur," she said, adding: "This came about because we also interviewed other witnesses in Mazzaruca who claimed having seen some sort of red dwarves in the area, and this story also matched one by some fishermen in Paraguay who frequented the area. These particular cases involve sightings that took place three years ago, where some claim having seen lights and other say they saw very small creatures, approximately 40 centimeters tall, but the latter does to not match the sightings we are looking into," she explained.

"We Saw a Light Appear in the Sky"

In this regard, the researcher told AIM that on the weekend of April 18, they camped at a location known as the "former shooting range" in the vicinity of Médanos, Ibicuy, guided by a report from another local who claimed seeing a light heading toward him, flying over the countryside. "On the evening of April 18, we held a watch at the site and saw a light appear in the sky, but we are still unable to determine what it was," states Simondini.

"This is new information is new, in regard to the earlier cases brought forth by the resident of Mazzaruca, although his story is also very interesting, as he talks about a light following him, and this is an element that appears in many cases, " she notes, recalling: "This local resident says it was at night, and when the light appeared, he thought it was a vehicle approaching on the road. It was very bright, but then it vanished, and there was nothing behind it."

Simondini also suggests that this case is linked to similar experiences recorded in the city of Victoria, Entre Rios, which she investigated with her team: "This same situation occurred at a location known as La Tapera, where people reported lights appearing head-on, illuminating them, and when they thought they were about to intercept their vehicles, there was nothing behind them. Such descriptions are repeated frequently in reports from the countryside. They don't occur in the cities, and at times it's very hard to gain access to the eyewitness reports, because people are set in their ways or shy. But they welcomed us in Ibicuy and we are immensely grateful for their hospitality."

We Are Not Alone?

Regarding the distrust surrounding these phenomena, Simondini told AIM: "It's possible to see many things in the sky. For this reason, we used our equipment to show the differences between airplanes and satellites and other possible objects to the foreman who claimed seeing the lights. This helped dispel any doubts and give him some background on the subject. The main difference we find in what we call sightings is that these involve unidentified objects that fly very low, nearly flush to the ground, and hang over the fields, often having a circular shape," she described.

Moreover, the researcher told AIM that the survey of the Ibicuy area "proved to be very interesting and has contributed new elements to our work, since we looked into the cattle mutilation phenomenon some time ago, cows and pigs found with mutilated faces without any apparent reason and were a cause of concern, because they were animals in perfect health, later found dead under very strange conditions. We have still not published our results of this Visión Ovni investigation, but before long it will be up on our Internet site," she explained, adding that a new night watch is scheduled for the Mazzaruca area, "but this time we will sail the Paraná River, as there are reports involving sightings of colored lights over the water. The locals made this suggestion and we embraced it enthusiastically," Simondini pointed out.

[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

28 abr 2015

Multiple Witness Sighting in the Bronx

See video
A UFO that appeared over the Bronx on April 20 prompted 911 calls and a substantial amount of witness testimony. The video here is unexceptional, as this could easily be the evening star, which  Venus at this time, and shines brightly in the western sky. It's also difficult to tell if the object in the video and the one being reported by witnesses are the same thing. One thing is certain, though: there was an exceptional sighting event of some sort  the Bronx on the 20th. Graded A, Probably True.

via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Has NASA just discovered warp drive ?

The space agency has reportedly produced a Star Trek style 'warp field' inside an experimental engine. The concept of warp drive might seem like somet...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

T. rex's vegetarian cousin unearthed in Chile

Fossil remains of a turkey-sized relative to the meat-eating behemoth were found by a 7-year-old boy. Named Chilesaurus diegosuarezi after the country...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Turtle Talk

giant turtle
It’s an ancient and well-known saying, ‘The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.’ This is an assessment frequently made of well-meaning NGO’s, who attempt to help struggling ‘third world’ cultures by imposing Western-style values and solutions. Turns out, our assumptions also get in the way of our assistance to endangered animal species.

For instance, we generally think that turtles are neglectful mothers. Once the eggs are deposited on sandy beaches, it’s adios to the progeny. Thus, gathering the eggs and incubating them in the safety of a laboratory seems an obvious solution to counter the decimation resulting from natural predation, loss of habitat and illegal trade.

read more

via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

Las minas de petróleo y el sueño de la gasolina sintética

Versión para TecOb del artículo que publiqué en la revista Historia de Iberia Vieja, edición de abril de 2015.

Un aragonés realiza en París con éxito pruebas de un sustitutivo del petróleo mediante destilación de vegetales, (…) se trata de un joven zaragozano llamado Rafael Suñén Beneded, quien sirvió como aviador en el ejército y apenas cumplidos sus deberes militares se trasladó a París. Suñén pretende obtener un sustitutivo perfecto del petróleo mediante la destilación de algunos vegetales que hasta ahora no tenían aplicación notable. (…) Personas autorizadas que han presenciado los ensayos afirman que éstos son concluyentes. Se sabe que Suñén está en negociaciones con altas autoridades francesas y que sus proposiciones están siendo objeto de atentos estudios y favorables informes.

El Sol, Madrid, 13 de enero de 1934.

El intrépido Rafael Suñén fue uno de tantos inventores olvidados que creyeron poseer el secreto para la fabricación de gasolina sintética capaz de competir con la obtenida a partir del petróleo convencional. Al final, su aventura no fue muy lejos y terminó por borrarse su pista, pero no hay que negar que lo suyo era pasión inventiva. Ya a principios de los años veinte del siglo pasado había dado vida a un tipo de ala perfeccionada para aeroplanos, también diseñó un interesante sistema para presurizar aviones que volaran a grandes altitudes, así como un nuevo tipo de material explosivo y un sistema para respiración en condiciones de aire tóxico. Pero lo que a Rafael más le apasionaba era su proyecto para lograr gasolina sintética. Trabajó en la misma línea que sus contemporáneos, que partían del carbón, sobre todo en procesos del tipo Fischer-Tropsch, ideado por químicos alemanes en los años veinte y que permitía fabricar hidrocarburos líquidos partiendo de gas de síntesis. Lo más intrigante del caso de Rafael Suñén está en su idea de partir de materia vegetal para lograr su objetivo. Por desgracia la niebla del tiempo impide averiguar, al menos hasta la fecha, si consiguió su objetivo.

Rubielos de Mora Rubielos de Mora Rubielos de Mora Rubielos de Mora
Imágenes tomadas por Francisco Dobón de las ruinas de las minas de petróleo de Rubielos de Mora.

Más allá de petróleo convencional

La búsqueda de alternativas al petróleo convencional está más de moda hoy que nunca, por lo que no extraña que haya muchos nuevos émulos del bueno de Rafael por ahí, buscando la manera de convertir materiales de todo tipo, incluso plásticos, en combustible. La fiebre del fracking, o fractura hidráulica, ha llevado al mercado una cantidad nunca vista de combustible a bajo precio, mientras gigantes como Arabia Saudita luchan por inundar el mercado con petróleo convencional muy barato con la intención de hundir el mercado del fracking, sobre todo del estadounidense, que por debajo de cierto precio del petróleo se vuelve poco competitivo. Y en esas estamos, con petróleo relativamente barato por todas partes, problemas ambientales en el filo de la navaja y la misma incertidumbre de siempre porque, ya se sabe, en el tema de la energía no hay nada que se mantenga estable demasiado tiempo.

Más allá de la clásica historia del petróleo en España, con fiascos resonantes y relatos de frustración y esperanzas nunca cumplidas, con focos en el norte de Burgos, en el Mediterráneo, en las Canarias o en el gas del Cantábrico, entre otros, hubo un tiempo en el que se pretendió exprimir, literalmente, el petróleo contenido en rocas, de un modo en cierta forma parecido a como se hace hoy día con el fracking. Esas otras aventuras del petróleo en España, apenas conocidas por el gran público, me fueron desveladas por Francisco Dobón, a quien agradezco su inestimable ayuda. He aquí un breve panorama de lo que fueron las conocidas como “minas de petróleo” y esa otra aventura relacionada con ellas, la gasolina sintética.

Básicamente puede considerarse una mina de petróleo aquella en la que se extraían minerales destinados a la obtención de petróleo por destilación, generalmente partiendo de esquistos y pizarras bituminosas. El primer intento a escala industrial para extraer petróleo del modo comentado en España surgió en Sigüenza, Guadalajara, allá por 1882, aunque hay referencias a estos minerales locales “de los que se extrae asfalto parecido al betún” desde el siglo XI, en fuentes árabes. A pesar del empeño y los recursos que se emplearon, la operación tuvo corta vida debido a la pobreza del yacimiento puesto que el contenido bituminoso era escaso.

Más tarde, en 1892, se creó una industria similar en el área de Ribesalbes, cerca de Onda, en Castellón. Hacia 1904 comienza a crecer la explotación, pero la destilación de los esquistos locales no tuvo el éxito esperado, cesando la actividad en 1914. Los criaderos bituminosos de la cuenca de Ribesalbes ya habían sido identificados a finales del siglo XVIII pero no fue hasta el siglo XX cuando dos sociedades inglesas, la Castellón Oil Company y la Spanish Mining Sindicate comenzaron a explotar a gran escala varias minas de esquistos en una operación que prometía un futuro venturos que terminó en fiasco.

En torno a 1905 inicia su actividad la mina de petróleo de Riutort, en las cercanías de Guardiola de Berguedá, Barcelona, donde se destilaban margas bituminosas. La explotación se mantuvo en activo hasta que su escasa rentabilidad llevó a su cierre en 1919. El contenido en petróleo era de apenas 70 litros por tonelada de mineral extraído. Lo más curioso es que, incluso pasado un siglo de aquello, se puede observar cómo rezuma petróleo en algunos puntos de la roca presente en la explotación.

Por entonces, en Rubielos de Mora, Teruel, no muy lejos de Ribesalbes, se abrió otra efímera mina de petróleo. Las baterías de destilación no tardaron en encontrar un mejor lugar para prosperar, se trataba de Puertollano, en Ciudad Real, donde todavía hoy se conservan restos de las primitivas instalaciones en las que se destilaban pizarras bituminosas. La explotación industrial de los minerales procedentes de minas de petróleo españolas tuvieron su mayor éxito precisamente en Puertollano, donde se puso en marcha hacia 1920 por parte de la Sociedad Minero Metalúrgica de Peñaroya toda una industria basada en el petróleo de pizarra. La experiencia se extendió hasta 1955, justo cuando otras empresas se unieron a la aventura en el mismo lugar. Se trataba de las factorías creadas por el INI a través de la empresa Calvo Sotelo que destiló pizarras entre 1952 y 1965, y la planta de la empresa ENCASO, destinada a fabricar gasolina sintética por medio de la tecnología alemana de hidrogenación.

De Teruel a Puertollano

La mina de petróleo de Rubielos de Mora consistía en un amplio complejo destinado a la extracción de pizarra bituminosa de la que, por destilación, se obtenían más tarde aceites que servían de origen de diversas líneas de producción de productos químicos y combustibles. El “petróleo de roca” daba vida a diversas fábricas que partían de la destilería de pizarras para dar forma a una pequeña ciudad fabril que incluía viviendas, oficinas y laboratorios. La empresa Sabadell y Henry, que a principios del siglo XX construyó en Cornellá de Llobregat, Barcelona, la que es considerada como primera refinería de petróleo española, en principio partiendo de alquitranes y más tarde pasando a consumir petróleo crudo importado, fue la que explotó las minas de petróleo de Rubielos de Mora. El complejo llegó a contar con hasta 700 trabajadores, que se encargaban de la extracción del material inicial, el mantenimiento de los hornos y de las tareas de destilación de partida de los aceites que, posteriormente, eran enviados a Barcelona para su refino.

La evolución del proyecto iniciado en Teruel tuvo lugar en Puertollano, en otras manos y en otro tiempo, una época en la que una España encerrada en sí misma soñaba con la utopía autárquica para todo tipo de productos e industrias, y el combustible no era menos protagonista en aquella carrera por sobrevivir al aislamiento internacional. En plena posguerra nació uno de los proyectos estrella del franquismo, el Instituto Nacional de Industria, INI. Corría el año 1941 y la creación de nuevas industrias se convertía en uno de los objetivos prioritarios del gobierno. Ante la escasez de combustibles, la destilación de pizarras bituminosas procedentes de “minas de petróleo” nacionales no parecía ser mala idea. Así, se formó el Consejo Técnico de Combustibles Líquidos y Lubricantes, destinado a valorar la viabilidad de los procesos industriales para obtener combustibles líquidos a partir de las mencionadas pizarras. Ese fue el punto de origen de la empresa ENCASO en el año 1942. Se fijó uno de los lugares prioritarios para el desarrollo de la nueva industria en Puertollano, con instalaciones para la destilación de pizarras bituminosas a gran escala, plantas químicas para el tratamiento de los aceites y fabricación de combustibles líquidos, lubricantes, parafinas así como una central termoeléctrica. El plan se complementaba con la creación de centrales termoeléctricas en otros lugares de España, además de plantas de abonos nitrogenados y una refinería de petróleo convencional de importación en el levante.

Naturalmente, lo de importar petróleo estaba muy complicado debido a la coyuntura de la época, por lo que fabricar gasolina sintética en Puertollano parecía una salida viable a la escasez de combustibles. La idea de destilar minerales bituminosos venía de lejos, ya en la Francia de principios del siglo XIX se intentó llevar a cabo alguna actividad similar en ese sentido a pequeña escala. Con el avance de esa centuria se alzaron tanto en Francia como en Inglaterra y hasta en Norteamérica diversos centros industriales que obtenían compuestos químicos diversos y combustibles partiendo de la destilación de alquitrán de carbón de hulla y de carbones bituminosos. Pero no fue hasta la llegada de los procesos industriales tipo Bergius y Fischer-Tropsch cuando se vivió la época dorada de la destilación de carbones y minerales bituminosos. Uno de los principales acicates a la hora de emplear aquellas tecnologías de obtención de combustibles era, cómo no, la necesidad ante la escasez. El principal motivo de la escasez era la guerra, concretamente la Primera Guerra Mundial. La Alemania de la Gran Guerra se enfrentó a una escasez de acceso al petróleo que hizo aumentar los esfuerzos para crear una industria de gasolina sintética que partiera de minerales locales. Lo mismo sucedió en la España de posguerra, ante la escasez de petróleo se perfilaba la destilación de pizarras bituminosas como una opción válida, y desesperada, para fabricar gasolina sintética.

Los Rothschild, a través de la Sociedad Minero Metalúrgica de Peñarroya, habían sentado ya las bases de todo aquello en los albores de la Gran Guerra cuando centraron su vista en los criaderos de pizarras bituminosas de Puertollano. Una primera planta de destilación dio muestra de una viabilidad sobresaliente pues aquellas pizarras tenían una riqueza en aceites sorprendentemente alta y, además, la gasolina sintética producida no tenía nada que envidiar a la que se obtenía en las refinerías de petróleo convencionales. ¿Sería posible entonces lograr una industria nacional que abasteciera a todo el país con combustibles líquidos sin depender de importación alguna? La utopía autárquica se intentó con toda la fuerza que una economía prácticamente en estado de guerra permitía. Los inicios fueron lentos y no fue hasta comienzos de los años cincuenta cuando se levantaron las primeras plantas de gran tamaño para tratar el aceite de las pizarras, por medio de su gasificación, hidrogenación y posterior destilación. Tanto la tecnología como las patentes para montar el imperio de las pizarras bituminosas de Puertollano dependía del exterior, con lo que la operación encontró diversos retrasos y aumentos en los costes que iban haciendo perder poco a poco el ímpetu del proyecto inicial de la ENCASO. Había otro problema adicional, aunque el producto final de la hidrogenación de los aceites de pizarra bituminosa era de muy buena calidad, no se podía producir tanta pizarra como se necesitaba para lograr los objetivos de producción. El problema no era tanto la cantidad de pizarra extraída como la variabilidad en la cantidad de aceites presentes en ella y el elevado precio final del producto, lo que obligaba a enriquecer la mezcla de base con petróleo importado. La rentabilidad de aquellos combustibles sintéticos era poco menos que dudosa, por lo que se planteó mantener la gran industria creada en Puertollano pero alimentada con petróleo que llegaría de un oleoducto procedente de la refinería de Cartagena. En 1961 se aprueba finalmente el decreto de presidencia del gobierno que iba a facilitar la creación en Puertollano de una refinería de petróleo convencional alimentada con crudo procedente de Málaga a través de un oleoducto. Fue el principio del fin de los grandes proyectos españoles para fabricar gasolina sintética, atrás quedaban los sueños de las minas de petróleo y de una industria basada en las pizarras bituminosas. El petróleo convencional, al final, hizo valer su supremacía.

Las minas de petróleo y el sueño de la gasolina sintética apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 28 abril 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Architects propose Saharan vertical city

A French architectural firm has put forward a concept for a futuristic city situated in the desert. The 'City Sand Tower' would be a huge vertical sel...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Spain: Giant UFO Caused Traffic Jam in 1968

Source: Periódico ABC
Date: 10.22.2014

Spain: Giant UFO Caused Traffic Jam in 1968

It was Thursday, September 5, 1968. Six o’clock in the afternoon. The sun was about dip behind Madrid’s horizon when an unidentified flying object rose in the sky. The strange object had a strange spherical shape and remained static and illuminated. As time went by, drivers and pedestrians in Madrid gathered to look at the object. No one knew what it could be. Night begins to fall, but averting one’s gaze from the sky seems to be impossible. The astonishment of the crowds wound up creating a colossal traffic jam on Gran Vía, one of the city’s major avenues.

“It’s a balloon.”
“No, it’s a satellite.”
“But it moves.”
“No, it’s still.”
“Don’t tell me you believe in flying saucers?”
“No. I only believe in what I can see.”

Such were the comments overheard in this paper’s newsroom. The object could also be seen from the windows of the old office facing Paseo de la Castellana. Minutes past eight o’clock in the evening – two hours after the initial sighting – the UFO vanished toward the direction of Casa de Campo.

The winds of the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere blew from the east and southeast respectively, while the object appeared to move slowly toward the southeast. “This leads us to suppose that it moved on its own, moving against the prevailing wind or that its height was far higher,” explained ABC’s editor in his column.

“It is a UFO, without question,” stated the spokesman of the Weather Bureau. According to his testimony, it was neither a weather balloon nor any kind of tethered experimental balloon, as it had not been detected from Barajas Airport. It did not leave a visible trail for the instruments at the Torrejón de Ardoz air base. The object’s identity could not be ascertained from Robledo de Chavela [Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex] and strangest of all, not even the radar station at Paracuellos del Jarama had picked up the UFO’s signal.

[Translation © 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Marta R. Domingo, ABC]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Standing By Helplessly – Waiting for the Inevitable

They knew it was coming. They knew it would be large and that it would be devastating. They just didn’t know quite when it would strike or exactly where. They also did not know what could be done in the short term to minimize the loss of life and property damage that would inevitably result.

That’s why they met in Kathmandu – as it turns out – just one week before the 7.8 magnitude temblor struck on Saturday. The international team of 50 experts in earthquakes and the social sciences assembled to discuss the dangers and the possibilities for minimizing the damage and recovery process.

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

27 abr 2015

Easter Island 'hats' were rolled in to place

The huge stone headpieces worn by the statues on Easter Island were probably placed using ramps. There are still many aspects of the enigmatic Easter ...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

New York UFO prompts calls to the police

Residents of New York City dialled the emergency services after seeing a UFO on Saturday night. The Big Apple was awash with UFO sightings during the ...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Arte urbano y ciencia de un hongo, portada de la revista ‘Genetics’

Químicos de la Universidad del País Vasco han descrito, utilizando la secuenciación masiva de RNA, las consecuencias que la falta de proteínas específicas produce en el desarrollo de hongos filamentosos del genero Aspergillus. El trabajo es portada del último número de la revista Genetics, ilustrada por expertos en diseño y tatuajes.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Arte urbano y ciencia del hongo ‘Aspergillus’, portada de la revista ‘Genetics’

Químicos de la Universidad del País Vasco han descrito, utilizando la secuenciación masiva de RNA, las consecuencias que la falta de proteínas específicas produce en el desarrollo de hongos filamentosos del genero Aspergillus. El trabajo es portada del último número de la revista Genetics, ilustrada por expertos en diseño y tatuajes.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

¿Cuál es el mejor método para estimar la radiación solar en un territorio?

Un estudio de investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid analiza las mejores técnicas de procesamiento de los datos de las estaciones meteorológicas oficiales para obtener valores más precisos de radiación solar, además de validar las observaciones de los aficionados con el propósito de densificar la red de sensores. La información de esta radiación se usa para optimizar la generación de energía fotovoltaica, el riego con agua o la gestión de los sistemas públicos de iluminación.
via Matemáticas, Física y Química http://ift.tt/18ZbcUb

Bees may now be addicted to pesticides

Rather than avoiding harmful pesticides on plants, bees might actually be deliberately targeting them. For many years now bees have been in steady dec...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

26 abr 2015

Spain: A Reservoir Attracted UFOs for Over Ten Years

Source: Periódico ABC (Spain)
Date: 04.26.2015

Spain: A Reservoir Attracted UFOs for Over Ten Years

The Sierra Norte location has been included in the Northern Area Extraterrestrial Route (Ruta Extraterrestre Area Norte), a circuit connecting the main UFO sighting locations in the Community of Madrid.

When Steven Spielberg conceived the plot of his 1970s movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977) he almost surely knew nothing about of this site in Madrid’s Sierra Norte, but it could have certainly served as the locale for his movie instead of Indiana. This three-dimensional space is none other than the El Atazar reservoir, considered the largest in the community and also one of the main UFO sighting locations in the region.

Its most intense area of activity, in this regard, dates back to the same decade as the one in which Spielberg’s opus was released and subsequent years, at least to the end of the 1980s. In this regard, there are dozens of eyewitness accounts that allege having seen a variety of flying objects in the area – elongated and luminous – with unusual speed and maneuverability that allowed them to dive into the reservoir over and over, emerging only to become lost in the sky. A group of young hikers testified to this, with the corresponding confirmation by other visitors, equally sure of having had a contact experience with extraterrestrial life.

In fact, the relationship between the El Atazar reservoir and the UFO phenomenon is based on such accounts, repeated in the same location to date, but also by the site’s inclusion in the so-called Northern Area Extraterrestrial Route. This is a circuit through the various sighting locations in the region, which include other municipalities such as Pedrezuela, El Berrueco, La Cabrera, La Pedriza or El Vellón, among others.

[Translation © 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Pedro P. Canto]

[Note: UFOs has shown a marked interest in reservoirs since the early days of the phenomenon. Reservoirs such as Wanaque in New Jersey, and Lake Carraizo in Puerto Rico have been magnets for such activity. In South America, the Ingeniero Roggero dam (Moreno, Argentina), the El Yeso reservoir (Chile) and the Jurumirim Reservoir in Brazil have become known for their unusual activity – SC]

via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Reentrada atmosférica en modo helicóptero

Una anotación de IEEE Spectrum acerca de las vueltas que le están dando los ingenieros al nuevo cohete estadounidense ULA Vulcan para llevarlo a la vida, me ha traído el recuerdo de una vieja patente española realmente curiosa.

ULA Vulcan | Fuente |

En el mencionado artículo se hace referencia a una técnica de recuperación de cápsulas espaciales y similares denominada “recuperación en el aire” (mid-air retrieval). La idea es sencilla pero su ejecución tiene complicaciones. Veamos, se trata de recuperar un objeto en reentrada atmosférica en el aire por medio de aviones o helicópteros. El objeto, frenado por paracaídas, es capturado en pleno vuelo como si fuera un pez que muerde un anzuelo. La idea original se puso en marcha de manera práctica por primera vez el 19 de agosto de 1960 en el marco de la Misión Corona. En aquella ocasión una cápsula que contenía material fotográfico fue capturada en pleno vuelo por un avión C-119. Era el primer paso en un conjunto de pruebas sobre un sistema pensado para recuperar cápsulas en lugares con difícil asistencia en tierra.

Recuperación en vuelo, Misión Corona | Fuente |

En el siguiente vídeo se puede comprobar cómo la idea fue experimentada en diversas ocasiones y, también, cómo se trata de algo bastante aparatoso y complicado. Cazar al vuelo una cápsula espacial desde un helicóptero, por mucho que los paracaídas hayan frenado su velocidad, no es muy sencillo.

Ahora bien, viendo los esfuerzos para poder enganchar la cápsula desde el helicóptero, y uniendo esa imagen mental a las recientes aventuras de los cohetes de SpaceX y su recuperación controlada con retrocohetes, que de momento ha fallado en sus intentos, recordé que eso ya lo había visto antes. No sólo era algo ya imaginado, sino que iba mucho más allá de recuperar sondas. No fue el único en pensarlo, pero es alquien que aquí en TecOb ya es conocido. Se trataba del ingeniero español Arturo Estévez Varela, del que publiqué hace tiempo una semblanza a cuento de su famoso “motor de agua”. Antes de explicar un poco la idea que patentó Varela sobre un método para recuperar cohetes y, así, poder reutilizarlos (el inventor pensaba entonces en la primera etapa de los Saturno V), veamos este recorte de una noticia publicada en La Vanguardia el viernes 1 de mayo de 1970 (página 9).


El sueño espacial de Arturo Estévez Varela terminó poco más o menos igual que su famoso “motor de agua”, en nada, solo que en este caso la idea tenía cierto aire de futurismo factible. No deja de tener atractivo el poder recuperar cohetes, al modo SpaceX, pero no como se plantea ahora, sino con una especie de juego de hélices “autogiro” en la parte más elevada del mismo. En la patente española ES-0371764, de 1969, titulada “Un plano ala dividido en tres partes, una parte productora de fuerza motriz, otra de sustentación y la tercera de estabilización”, el inventor planteaba lo siguiente:

…era necesario reunir en el sistema un medio automático de frenado y paralización casi total, en la atmósfera, del objeto a recuperar y que el mismo se automotrice operándose en él la energía necesaria sin necesidad de gasto de combustible alguno. Después de innumerables pruebas conseguí un medio que nos proporciona la energía suficiente para desarrollar el movimiento de rotación necesario en cada caso de todo el sistema de estabilización. Y que este movimiento se pudiera acelerar, retardar y frenar, cuando interesara a los encargados de la recuperación, bien sea esta ordenada desde el centro de recuperación o desde dentro del vehículo cuando este sea tripulado. Para los no tripulados la manipulación de frenado y recuperación se hace electrónicamente…

Uno de los esquemas de la patente ES-0371764 de Estévez Varela. (A) Plano-ala motriz. (B) Plano-ala adaptable de sustentación y control. (C) Plano-ala adaptable de frenado. (Consultar PDF para detalles).

Reentrada atmosférica en modo helicóptero apareció originalmente en Tecnología Obsoleta, 26 abril 2015.

via Tecnología Obsoleta http://ift.tt/16aeRP1

Liquid mercury found under Mexican pyramid

Significant quantities of the metal have been found inside the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. Discovered by Mexican researcher Sergio Gómez, the me...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Maravillosas Bestias: Shuker Cripto Libro

Low-res wraparound cover artwork¡Bienvenidos a todos a mi casa de las fieras Maravillosas! ¿Dónde más puedes encontrar armadillos mágicos y aves féricas, plumas de roc y una pata de hombre lobo, un parque de monstruos en Italia y las bestias del misterio en el Vaticano, ballenas con cabezas, pseudo-pterodáctilos y Thunderbird con cabeza de martillo, garduñas en Gran Bretaña y sapos con alas en Francia, un pez gato invisible y un cernícalos con bicéfalos, mamuts, abubillas, hombre-gorila de gran tamaño, sirenas invertidas y la música del Ogopogo, moonrats, kinkimavos, lavellans, nandinias y osos de Nandi, Ajolotes, aves del terror, rinocerontes come gigantes, monstruos lacustres y serpientes de mar, leopons y lagarto crípticos… y mucho más también, todo dentro de los límites escénicos todavía confortablemente seguros dentro de un solo libro… Disfrute de su visita y regrese cuando lo desee, una colección única de mi catálogo de animales extraordinarios, la zoológica inexplicable… siempre estará presente para mistificar y cautivar de nuevo. Usted sólo tiene que pasar al interior… ¡si se atreves!

Menagerie of Marvels, The

Tapa blanda, 286 páginas
Centro de Zoología Forteana
Noviembre 2014




Archivado en: Actualidad General
via Esencia21 Blog http://ift.tt/1k29OFY

Tiny robot can haul 100 times its own weight

Engineers at Stanford University have developed a tiny robot with some impressive pulling power. In the animal kingdom ants are well known for their a...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Embryonic twin found inside student's brain

26-year-old Yamini Karanam had been undergoing neural surgery when her unborn twin was discovered. The computer science student had been experiencing ...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

25 abr 2015

UFO filmed near erupting Chilean volcano

A woman who had been filming the eruption also recorded an object that had appeared in the sky nearby. The Calbuco volcano in Chile erupted unexpected...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Vast lava reservoir found under Yellowstone

A chamber containing 11,200 cubic miles of molten magma has been found below Yellowstone National Park. Underneath the ideallic lakes, canyons and for...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Chile: Controversy Over the Calbuco Volcano "UFO"

INEXPLICATA decided not to run this story earlier this week when an eruption of Chile's Calbuco Volcano not only created a spectacle seen around the world thanks to the Internet, but also featured a very strange light or set of lights. Chilean researcher Rodrigo Fuenzalida advised other researchers and media that the lights were, in fact, those of a military helicopter surveying the eruption. However, the fact that the light source remained static before suddenly vanishing has caused many to wonder if it could have in fact been an anomaly. The possibility of extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitation have been set forth, but only recently have "time travelers" been invoked as the source of the matter. The presence of strange lights has also been reported during eruptions of Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano.
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

Should Nessie be Scotland's national animal?

A Scottish tourism body has launched a new campaign to gain formal recognition for the Loch Ness Monster. Despite there being considerable doubts over...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

Weekender: Going Green

Weekender: Trees are going up in China even as they are coming down along the Amazon and in Indonesia’s Sumatran and Kalimantan provinces. Vegetation is increasing in Russia as abandoned farmlands regrow their forests. And because of increases in rainfall – grasslands have increased in Australia, Africa and South America.

Collectively, the carbon storage capacity of this biomass has increased by 4 billion tons since 2003, according to a recent study published in the journal, Nature Climate Change. And China is leading the way with its Great Green Wall project located in Northern China.

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via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

24 abr 2015

NASA steps up the search for alien life

The space agency has formed a new coalition of scientists from a wide range of different fields. The Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) aims t...
via Unexplained Mysteries http://ift.tt/J8xTJ0

UFO Over Hotel in

See video
This object is not acting like a drone, a balloon or any natural object. It could be a simple CGI effect, but if so an additional effort has been made to cue the comments of the witnesses. Unlikely to be a CGI effect. Witness states that this was made over the Westin Hotel in Virginia Beach on April 18 at midnight.

If you know of any other such sightings in the area, please write unknowncountry@unknowncountry.com

via UnknownCountry Mobile http://ift.tt/11SbyTl